The Last Days of Richard Grayson

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3rd POV

Richard "Dick" Grayson had known little outside of Acrobatics, Computer Hacking, and Crime Fighting in his 14 1/2 years of life, but he did know when someone betrays you they are no longer your friend. Dick had been Robin since he was 9 years old despite being the youngest member of the Outsiders he had the most experience and was trained by Batman himself. A few months ago his Childhood friend and school mate had joined the Outsiders "Barbara Gordon AKA Batgirl, she got along with everyone great, even Dick's girlfriend Zatanna, but only a month later Their squad leader Kaldur AKA Aqualad had been given time on leave.

That was the start of Dick's problems, The Outsiders were given a mission to investigate the Cult of Cobra, and Robin was put in command.

The intel they were given was bait for an ambush they didn't know until it was too late. Robin had done his best to ensure everyone lived and got back to the cave at Mt. Justice as safely as possible, many of the team were moderately injured Robin included, but what he saw on his team's faces wasn't gratitude, or relief it was blame, they blamed him for what happened even his closest companions Wally, Zatanna, and Barbara gave him that look.

Over the next few months he was met with a coldness he had never experienced before, his teammates glared at him, talked down to him, they even withheld information from him, it had seriously been ticking him off.

That led to today, Dick and his team had been gathered for another mission without Aqualad as he was currently on a mission with Aquaman, this time Batgirl was in charge.

The team discussed information vital to the mission to once again go after Cobra, Dick was given some info but not everything like the others. Robin thought they had given him more info this time so the same mistakes from the last time they were up against Cobra would not happen.

Once the Outsiders had arrived things were going smoothly at first that is until because of the lack of information Robin was given he had accidentally triggered an alarm the team was soon swarmed the others without so much as a word raced back to Miss Martian's bio ship, Robin was trying to follow but also ensure the others weren't followed or in danger, he was trying to get to the bio ship fighting the entire way, the others noticed him overwhelmed and hurt, they wore guilt on their faces, they had to leave but they couldn't if Robin could not get to them and away from their attackers quickly. Zatanna looked at her boyfriend in regret she wished she made up with him before this , Barbara made the call, they were leaving without The Boy Wonder. As the ship flew away Robin couldn't believe it.

They left him here to die and had the nerve to look saddened about it. Robin was in rough shape as he was on his knees panting hard, his costume damaged his skin drenched in sweat, blood, and tears.

The leader of Cobra stepped forward at the young hero, and kicked him to the ground Robin struggled to stand, He had never been able to beat Cobra Leader before, he felt he was going to die here.

Dick began to think how messed up everything had turned out to be, the more he thought the more angry he became, he looked up at the Cobra leader as his cult members began chanting "Hail Cobra"

The leader of the cult lifted his leg in an executioner's kick Robin made his decision to survive by any means necessary. He lifted his arms in a cross block staring at his opponent with an angry, hateful expression, Robin was done holding back he threw Cobra off balance and jumped up using all his strength his body possessed combined with his astounding skill and technique did a reverse spinning hook kick to Cobra's jaw, he had put so much power and force in that Kick, he had broke Cobra's neck making his head turn in an unnatural angle before dropping to ground dead. Robin had never killed anyone before but he knew that is what he just did, he realized that Batman was wrong, sometimes you can't just leave them alive, sometimes death was the only option, but Robin swore his would only kill if it was unavoidable and absolutely necessary, it would be his last resort. The other cult members looked horrified their Leader was dead, the lost all will to fight and deserted the facility, Robin was about to contact the team, before realizing they left him to die, they had abandoned him, they couldn't be trusted so instead he wirelessly accessed his bank account and the large fortune he had been accumulating over the last 5 years and placed it in a new account under a different name, as he did this he wondered throughout the facility seeing if he could find anything useful, and morbidly enough he found a young boy's dead body he was similar to him in height, Age and weight. He was relatively fresh and the cult had drained him of all his blood.  Dick took some medical equipment and performed a trick by using a blood transfusion and forcibly pumping the corpse's heart, while his blood was transferred into the dead body, and setting it ablaze it would ensure that for all anybody knew Dick Grayson was dead, Dick had removed his Costume and placed it as if it was taken from him as he burned the body he knew the only Decent DNA they could be able to get was blood and the only blood in that body was his. He decided to wear some spare clothes he found, the only thing he kept from his old costume was his hologlove
Because it acts as a computer, phone, and hacking device he just removed its tracker, Dick Grayson was dead to the world, He was someone else now, he was Grayson Blake, he was using his Last name now as his first after all he hated his first name no matter how someone used it, For his last name he chose mother's maiden name and thankfully it was the name he used for his new bank account, He was going to invest in many of the same things as Bruce, he was going to still fight the good fight just not with The Justice league, not with the Outsiders and Not with Batman.

Grayson had wandered for awhile until he took a flight to where he could start his new life, a place called Jump City.

TBC Next Time: Guilt at the Cave/Arrival at Jump City.

Stay savage my friends.

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