He Only Loved You for Your Body

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He thinks your inner beauty is trash

but your body is your real beauty.

He never loved you for your heart,

He only loved you for your body.

You thought your heart was right and your mind was wrong

But your mind was right and your heart was wrong.

U gave him all your Love, in the end all he gave you was a broken heart and a wound almost impossible to heal.

Your mind knows he is trash but your heart still craves for him.

He made you believe him that he treated you like a diamond but he only used you like coal.

You thought your heart was right and your mind was wrong But your mind was right and your heart was wrong.

Staying up till 11 pm, just to see him one last time before you go to bed.

People told you he is older than you he must have bad intentions yet, your heart was not in a state to listen.

When you had finally listened to your mind, oce again the spark left a confusion in your mind.

Once again your heart overpowered your mind, once again you were desperate to have him by your side.

You wanted to ask someone. But you knew there was no use in asking them.

Played guitar in his balcony when you asked him to, you still have that recorded song of him singing for you.

Told him you wanted him back but he told you it's hard to get him back.

You should be grateful as he went out of town that very day or else it would have been an awkward day.

You thought your heart was right and your mind was wrong But your mind was right and your heart was wrong.

And finally that day came when he proved everyone including your mind whome you thought were wrong seemed right, you and your heart were always wrong.

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