Skwisgaar is ams dick (on the bus)

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The bus screeched to a halt. Again. An ugly noise. And for only one boy. Such a waste. And of course, this boy sat right behind him. Of all the open seats. 'Stupid beanie. Stupid Americans. Stupid heat. Stupid fucking city,' he thought, bitterness lacing his thoughts.

"Jävlar," Skwisgaar muttered. He sat fanning himself, trying to cool off. Despite his tank top, he was still sweating in the LA summer heat.

"Fakk deg!"

Skwisgaar spun around. 'Fuck off. You dare tell me to fuck off?' It was said so... cheerfully too. The little wave that the kid gave when they locked eyes just made Skwisgaar more pissed. "What's the fucks do you wants?"

"Hi!" the stranger said, an idiotic smile across his face. Skwisgaar's scowl deepened, and the boy's smile grew wider.

"Eugh." Skwisgaar grabbed his case and moved towards the back of the bus, in the very corner. His hands trembled a little as he took out his guitar, his axe, the tool that would get him a better life. His Gibson Explorer. Why should a guitar god be worried about a fucking audition for some random band. They would let him in. They had to. Still, his voice and hands shook. "Noll. Ett. Två. Tre," he whispered, softly plucking at strings, fingers flying across the fretboard.

"Wowee..." the boy said, and Skwisgaar screamed. Somehow, he had snuck up on Skwisgaar and now he had nowhere to run.

"It's not 'wowee' its 'wow.'"

"Yous so cool... are yous going to the Dethklok auditions toos?"

Skwisgaar looked the boy up and down. He looked...ratty. And he smelled a little, too. And he was probably insane, because who wears a beanie and long sleeves in this heat? "Whos are you?"

"I'm Toki!" he answered, his face beaming. "I play guitars too!"

"Not as goods as me, I promise."

"Yeahs... yous looks likes you play reallys good."

Skwisgaar was a little taken aback by this. Nobody had ever complimented him on his playing before, or had taken that sort of statement so easily. Not that many people had ever seen him play in the first place, and he never told anyone about it, but the few people he had told about it had insisted that they would be better than him. They were wrong, of course. It felt nice to have someone finally acknowledge the effort he had put in, especially someone like Toki acknowledging it. Skwisgaar got the impression that if Toki even tried to lie, he would simply light on fire instead. "I ams, in facts, going to the Dethkloks thing. Are yous going to watch or..."

"Nei! I'm goings to play!"

"Hah! With what?" Skwisgaar laughed.

"With this!" Toki said, opening up his tattered case to reveal a Gibson Flying Vee that was as tattered as him, if not more. It looked like it was once ebony black, but was covered in so much stuff holding it together that you could barely see the guitar itself. The tape on one section of the V-shape looked stained with...something. Skwisgaar shivered at the sight of it and his upper lip curled back. "Whats, yous don't likes it?" Toki asked, seeing nothing wrong with his instrument.

"No! Looks at it! It looks like shit! Of course, you woulds own something so shitty, Toki," Skwisgaar spat. 'I don'ts care if I just mets you, get outs of my face.' He didn't regret even when the boy's eyes welled up with tears. He didn't regret it when Toki gave a pathetic little sniffle. He didn't regret it, so he said, "Fuck. Förlåt." Even though he had said sorry, he wasn't sorry. He just wanted Toki to shut up, and crying seemed like the opposite of shutting up.

"It's fine." Toki wiped the tears out of his eyes. "Whats is your name?" He seemed to go from crying back to that stupid smile of his so quickly.


"It's nice to meet you!"

"Hmph. Now. Can you please goes away."


"Really? Yous are going to leave me alones now?" Skwisgaar called out as Toki moved to the opposite end of the bus.


"And you are goings to stay theres?"

"Ja! All you hads to do was ask!"

Skwisgaar nearly screamed in frustration. Why was this child being so fucking annoying. At least he would be rid of him in a few stops. Though when the bus driver called out the next stop, he realized he had spent a little too much time worried about this... Toki. Skwisgaar scrambled to put his guitar neatly away and hurried off the bus. Toki was waiting for him, still smiling. 'Homos,' Skwisgaar thought, trying not to scowl even more. "Whens is your audition time?" he asked instead.

"In the mornings. 9:45 I thinks?" Toki wondered aloud, as though Skwisgaar somehow knew if it really was at 9:45.

"So in... an hours?" Skwisgaar kept his voice friendly, although he questioned what kind of person didn't remember their own appointment time.

"I thinks so?"

"Hmm." Skwisgaar rolled a thought around in his mind. It would be a huge risk... but it's not like he cared about this dildo. "Well, I'ms going to picks up some breakfast. See that alley over theres?" He pointed towards the most dinghy alley he could find nearby. "It's a shortcut."

"Reallys?! Wowee!"

"My appointment is after yous, and you should be early. It's good forms or whatevers. You just go through theres and then take a right and keep goings for a couple blocks..." Skwisgaar continued, giving him nonsense directions, trying very, very hard (and failing) to keep the smile from his face. 'Stupid kid.' He said "kid" but Skwisgaar really wasn't much older than Toki, only by two or three years at most.

"Wowee! Thanks you Skwisgaar!"

"Of course, sorrys about beings a dick earliers. Hopefully I can sees you play!" He had to force the words out, words coated in honey. He didn't feel sorry in the slightest for lying to Toki. It was his fault for being so easy to trick. At least he wasn't robbing him, or worse. Not like there was much to take from him.

"Don'ts worry! May the best man wins!" Toki cried out as he dashed away, flying down the pavement.

Skwisgaar walked down the street towards the left, towards the address on the ad, a smile on his face. "Stupid city full of stupid kids." There was no way he would see that kid again. If anything, he did him a favor. He wouldn't have to face the guitar god. "I dids the rights thing. I taughts him a lessons. Yous don'ts mess with the guitar gods." Still. Something about Toki was...unnerving. He seemed familiar. But Skwisgaar had never seen him before, he could wager his life on that. So what about Toki made him familiar...? Was it how silently he moved, like a ghost amidst the trees? "Noll. Ett. Två. Tre," he started counting again, this time touching the tips of each of his fingers to the thumb. 'It wouldn't matters. I'll never sees him agains.'

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