Toki's magical girl transformation

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"Dude, what should we do with him?"

"He's not a dog."

"Might as well be. Certainly smells like one."

"I thinks I smells fine!" Toki blurted out. He was sick of being poked and prodded by his new brothers. Although it was more than a little nice to have someone to worry about him, the fact that he was being examined was unnerving. He felt like the rabbits he had seen growing up, the ones being eyed up by wolves before they were devoured. 

Murderface laughed at him. "Nah, you smell like shit," he said through laughter while grinning. "I have not a fuckin clue how I sleep in the same room as you."

"It's beens one nights! Is its that bad!?"

"Ja," Skwisgaar said seriously, his face blank. "Your hair is filthys, your clothes are barely clothes with all the holes, there are so many stains on your face and you just wokes up."

"Go easy on him," Pickles chimed in. "Stop crowding him, too."

"What, do you wanna deal with him?" Murderface scoffed.

"Yes. As the only person here with a sibling, yeah, I can deal with kids."

"I'm nots a kid!"

Pickles somehow stared him down despite having to look up to see Toki. "If you aren't a kid, go into the bathroom and fucking shower. Get the grit off your face. How did it even get on there in the first place."

"Skwisgaar pusheds me intos the grounds," Toki said, sheepishly. He knew Skwisgaar would be mad at him for saying it and causing him to get into trouble, but if he lied... Hopefully the punishment hole here wasn't too bad.

Pickles slowly turned to Skwisgaar. "You did what. I told you to be nice to him. I told you to be on your best behavior." His voice was icy, and his eyes seemed to stare right into Skwisgaar's soul. "Both of you are new. And we got along just fine with one guitarist. And honestly?" Pickles leaned in towards Skwisgaar and hissed, "I think Toki's personality meshes better with ours."

"Tch. Fine-ka," Skwisgaar muttered, looking away from the tiny and enraged man. A shiver went down his spine. "Don't talk to a god likes that agains." Pickles' fists balled and before anyone could move to stop him, he punched Skwisgaar square in the nose. "FUCK! WHAT'S WAS THATS FOR?!" He touched his nose in disbelief, and blood dripped onto his white tank top.

"Don't talk about him like that. Now clean yourself up. You look like a mess." And with that, he stalked into his bedroom and slammed the door. With Pickles gone, Toki and Skwisgaar turned to Nathan for what to do.

"What the fuck are you looking at me for. Go. Do the thing."

"Or do we have to hold your hand through that, too," Murderface chimed in.


"I'm comings out soon, be patients!"

"ITS BEENS AN HOUR. IM COMINGS IN," Skwisgaar yelled, pounding on the door. He didn't want to have to barge in, that would be weird and awkward. But he really, really needed to use the bathroom. 'Thanks gods we don'ts has a locks yet,' he thought as he turned the doorknob. When he saw Toki, he instantly regretted opening that door. His bandmate's back, arms, pretty much all of his upper body was covered in scars. Some of them seemed recent too. "Holy shits. Are you ok?" was what he wanted to say, but his mouth wasn't moving right with all of the racing thoughts, so all that came out was a pathetic little squeak. Toki quickly shoved on his greasy shirt and pushed past him, keeping his head down. "I-are you oks?" Skwisgaar finally got out, but Toki was long gone, the front door slamming shut behind him as he left Mordhaus.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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