Chapter 1: destined mistake

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Word count: 2142

Kabir's PoV:
"Oh, for the love of god, Aditya, you seriously need to stop this before I strangle you to death with my bare hands!"

Aditya Chauhan, my childhood best friend and the human embodiment of a headache. Im convinced that if it wasn’t for that one time when i was 10 and he was 8 he stood up for me in a fight, we would’ve never even cared for each other’s existence. I still remember that day so vividly. A kid was trying to make fun of my dad because he looked a little fat in a picture which had been advertised for the publicity of our company and he just shut the mouth of that kid in like 2 seconds by saying, “Be careful what you say, frog-face, Kabir could literally ask his father to gift him your house for his birthday and his father gladly would”. Classic Aditya.

And right now he was busy pulling the drapes harshly aside in hopes to blind me with the piercing ray of sunlight coming in.
"Stop what, Kabir? Annoying you to death even in your precious slumber? Wake up, Mr. Rajvansh! Your empire awaits you, your royal highness." He said, bowing sarcastically.

This banter between us was not an unusual sight in the least. It was our ritual at this point, annoying the shit out of each other first thing in the morning. He was the best player in the Indian Football Team, gold medallist in basketball and the star athlete of our previous university. There was nothing that Aditya set his mind to that he couldn’t conquer, even when it came to people. He just had this devilish charm around him that just made everyone gravitate towards him and I’m not only talking about the ladies. The only thing he could never conquer, was an A in his math test but he didn’t care, he knew academic success just wasn’t for him.
I, on the other hand, craved academic success. I always knew I was going to end up running my father’s legacy and the company was already in a good position but I wanted it to be the best. Today, our company is one of the leading companies in the entire industry. I was your average no-bullshit guy at university who didn’t really care about the crazy events or clubs and kept my eyes on the prize, my company. They say money can't buy happiness but, in my world, it adds a whole lot of craziness.

As I begrudgingly drag myself out of bed to prepare for the day, Aditya bolts off to his football practice. Sometimes I really did wonder how the hell was he able to just be active all the time. One thing about him was that he always wanted to prove his worth, that he wasn’t just some dude who got lucky because his father knew some influential people. I always admired him for that but I’m afraid if I ever said that to his face, his head would grow ten times bigger than it already is.

Meanwhile, my morning routine is a blur-breakfast left untouched on the table as I dash off to yet another meeting.


Author POV
Kabir Rajvansh, a man of precision and practicality, strode into the sleek, modern office building, a cacophony of ringing phones and hurried footsteps accompanying him. His laser-focused mind was preoccupied with the impending business deal, but a chance encounter was about to turn his routine upside down.

He entered the bustling office building with a determined stride. Oblivious to the whirlwind awaiting him, he approached what he believed to be the office of Balbeer Sinha, the owner of Vamika Enterprises.

Spotting a woman engrossed in her work, he confidently assumed she was Balbeer's secretary. Kabir, not one to beat around the bush, questioned her, "Is Balbeer Sinha here? I have a crucial meeting scheduled."

Samaira Kashyap, the ambitious and sweet CEO of Kashyap and Company, looked up, her focus shattered by the intrusion. Irritated, she attempted to correct this arrogant man who just interrupted her work.

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