Chapter 9: Devil's plan

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Word count: 1919

Aditya POV:
As soon as my football practice concluded, I couldn't resist the urge to reach out to Naina. "Hey, how are you keeping up? Did you enjoy the date? Just finished practice, thinking of you ;)" I typed out quickly, my fingers dancing across the screen with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

With that message sent, I made my way to Kabir's place, a familiar routine that followed every practice session. It had become tradition for me to head to his place for our FIFA session, a welcomed distraction from the rigours of the day.

"You're late," were Kabir's first words as I stepped into the room after a refreshing shower. His closet held some of my clothes as well, because let’s be real his house was like my second home. He had jokingly declared that I could occupy it until he got married, making me the unofficial child of his household. I never felt out of place here; I was pampered in their own unique way, and it felt like a second home.

Joining the FIFA game with determination to finally beat Kabir this time, I found myself completely engrossed in the competition, momentarily forgetting that Naina might have responded to my message. After three rounds, with me winning two out of the three games, I was exhausted. But Kabir, true to his competitive nature, insisted, "It's best of five," like a kid at the amusement park games. And so, with a mix of fatigue and determination, I geared up for yet another round, ready to give it my all.

"When are you planning to tell Naina about it?" Kabir's question pierced through the air, momentarily halting my fingers as they hovered over the controller. His words sparked a flurry of thoughts in my mind, distracting me from the game as I pondered the implications of revealing my secret to Naina. Did she respond to my text? What would she think? Would she even want to be with me if I told her?

Before I could form a coherent response, Kabir interjected with a triumphant grin, "Hah, got you! Now it's 2-2, champ," revelling in his victory as he claimed the upper hand in our FIFA match.
"You fricking cheater! You used Naina to win this game. It doesn’t count." I protested, a slight pout forming on my lips.

"All is fair in love and war, meri jaaneman (my beloved)." Kabir retorted, pulling my cheeks affectionately with one hand while shutting off the game with the other. I immediately swatted his hand away, glaring at him. “You know how much I hate anyone doing that shit,” referring to him pulling my cheeks. Kabir smiled teasingly at me, “Oh I forgot, you only like it when your darling Naina does it, no?” I felt my ears and neck grow warmer at his comment and I just managed to murmur a small “shut up”, looking away from him. I couldn’t really deny what he said either.

Despite my frustration at him, I couldn't help but smile at Kabir's playful antics, words couldn’t describe how grateful I was for our friendship. He really was a very warm-hearted man for the people he loved but only few people saw the real Kabir, past his rough exterior. But I understood why he hid that part of him. The world was quick to take advantage of kind and empathetic people. Who we are and who we have to be to survive are two very different things.

"Okay, now a serious question?" Kabir's tone shifted, his concern evident as he broached a sensitive topic. "When, Aditya? I know you are purposely avoiding this topic but you have to be mentally prepared," he continued, his words weighted with the gravity of the situation.

"I know, Kabir, I know," I replied with a heavy sigh, fully aware of the potential consequences of keeping my secret from Naina. "But before we delve into that, what made Samaira so pissed off? I mean, I'm sure it's definitely not just about your face," I remarked, casting a curious glance in his direction.

Kabir's mischievous grin remained firmly in place as he explained, "Nothing. I only said the truth that the world doesn't revolve around her. Not my problem if she can’t handle honesty. It was mean, I know, but she accused me of stalking her. I wasn’t just going to shut up and play the bigger person. And this reminds me, I have to get married to her."

I literally spit out the water that I was sipping out of my sipper. “Wait what the fuck?? Are you high? " I asked, my disbelief evident in my tone. "No, I'm not high. My mom and dad are very good friends with her parents and they decided to arrange this marriage for us. It’s good for the company and besides,” he takes a moment to pause," I always knew I would have to have an arranged marriage at least this way I wouldn’t have to marry a stranger and I can expand my empire. It’s a good deal.” Kabir declared, leaving me quite disturbed. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to find a way to convey my concerns to him.

"Kabir, are you sure that you really want to be stuck in a loveless marriage? A marriage just for a business purpose doesn’t sit too well.” I said, still trying to make him understand the weight of his decisions.

"I am not jumping into anything, Aditya. I have completely thought this through. It is a good opportunity and I’m going to go through with my decision. I will take care of her, well slightly torment her, but mostly yes I will, so don’t worry about that. It’s going to be fine." His tone was decisive, he had calculated all the outcomes of his decision. No matter how ridiculous he sounded right now, he was my brother, just not by blood, and right now he really needed my support more than anything else.

Sighing at his explanation, I replied, "Okay, only if you are absolutely sure about this. I only want what’s good for you man.” And clasped my hand on his shoulder firmly, promising him my unwavering support for him.

Kabir gave me a content smile and I could that he was relieved. “Thank you, Aditya. I couldn’t do this without you.” He said, giving me a brotherly hug. Now, it was my turn to tease him. “You sure it’s all just business? Or are there any other reasons? Perhaps some romantic ones?” I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

He slightly chuckled at this and shook his head. “No no absolutely not. Now you sound high. I mean.. she’s pretty.. really sassy.. challenges me in ways I’ve never been challenged before.. but no she’s too annoying and pisses the shit out of me and.. and..”, I couldn’t help it anymore, I burst out laughing. It was so entertaining to see him like this. God, he actually liked someone. This was more entertaining than anything I could ever imagine.

He glared at me and yelled, “Stop laughing at me you moron.” This only made me laugh harder for some reason. When my laughter finally died down, I taunted him, “Oh you’re so down bad, it’s hilarious. Something tells me this marriage might not be the worst idea after all.” At this, he threw the controller at my face but I easily dodged it.

“Oh please, you’re telling me I’m ‘down bad’?? You’re so fucking whipped for Naina that I’m pretty sure if I checked under your bed, I might find little love letters for her under it.” Kabir sassed at me.

I just scoffed at this, “Shut up and stop trying to dodge this topic. Look, I just care about my closet here, okay? Do whatever you want. I'll need a new room made for me when I get here after your marriage. And I do not write love letters.” I blurted out the last part hurriedly.

Kabir just raised his eyebrows at that and said, “Sure you don’t. And seriously all you want is a closet? You literally live not even two houses apart," Kabir remarked, amusement dancing in his eyes as he made his way toward the dining room.

"Yea, I know. So what?" I retorted playfully, following him with a grin, ready to put aside our conversation for the time being.

Naina's POV:

I received a text from Aditya, but amidst my busy workday, I hadn't found the time to respond. It lingered on delivered for an hour before I finally managed to type out a quick reply: "The date was amazing. I enjoyed every moment of it." And to the second text, I texted back: “Oh shut up, you’re so cheesy”, with a bashful smile on my face.

Returning home via cab, my car out of commission for repairs, I found myself continuously checking my phone, fixated on the timestamp of my sent message: 6:32 PM. Where could he be, and why hadn't he replied? Doubts began to creep in, the nagging fear that perhaps I was just a passing fling started gnawing at me. Honestly how long does it take to just send a text back. It’s not kike he’s some busy prime minister or maybe he just isn’t that interested in me. Maybe he just liked the chase and once I agreed to go on a date, he lost interest. Ughhh these ‘maybes’ are driving me insane. It’s his loss anyway, I’ve lived without a man before so what’s different now?
‘Because this time you actually like him’ my inner thoughts taunted me but I pushed them to the back of my mind.

Shaking my head to dispel the negative thoughts, I sought solace in a long, hot shower, letting the water wash away the stress of the day. Emerging feeling refreshed and relaxed, I settled onto the couch, turning on the television for distraction. Ordering dinner to be brought to my room via the intercom, I immersed myself in the world of Gossip Girl.

Glancing at the time, 8:28 PM, I hoped to see a notification from Aditya. However, my heart sank as I unlocked my phone to find it devoid of his messages, despite numerous notifications from others.

I was more angry than upset. First this guy acts all interested and poof, like that he’s gone and ghosted me out of nowhere and you know what, this time I’m not gonna go into self-doubt or overthinking. The next time he texts me, I’m gonna ghost his sorry ass without even thinking twice. Maybe I was overreacting and he was just busy and didn’t see the message but he could’ve just told me that instead of just leaving me to my thoughts.

I tried to brush off the disappointment, telling myself that it was his loss and trying to keep in my mind what Blair Waldorf said “I don’t need a man to feel fulfilled in my life.” And put on one of my favourite songs- ‘All girls are the same’ by Juice Wrld. Highly relatable right now (just ‘boys’ instead of girls of course)

As I drifted off to sleep on the couch, my mind still swirling with unanswered questions, I woke up with a backache, slowly making my way to my bed. In the haze of sleep, I forgot my frustration with Aditya, choosing instead to let the night's rest wash away my worries.

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