Chapter - 4

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What just happened!?!?!
Sameer just got up and left in the middle of the function!!!
My mind was filled with so many questions.

Why did he leave all of a sudden?
Is he going to leave me?
What was the urgency of him leaving from his very own reception?

My mom and dad
His mom and dad
All were so worried.
Tears formed in my eyes. My mother in law said "Don't cry, habibti. I am sure he'll be back soon".
I just nodded looking at her.
There were so many murmurs going on in the crowd of the guests. Embarrassment and worry was written all over my in laws' faces.

Why did he do this to me? To us?

We just sat in our places waiting for him. Two hours later, all the guests were gone. Our family was sitting alone in the hall.

"Eat something dear", Aunt Lubna said with a worried expression.

"I don't have an appetite, Aunt Lubna", I said with small smile.

She nodded her head.

"Why don't you all eat something. You all must be tired". I said looking at my parents and Sameer's parents.

"It's okay", said my mom.
"We will all eat together once Sameer comes back", Aunt Lubna continued.

I pitied them. On one hand, there was Sameer, who didn't care about his parents' reputation once and left in the middle of the reception.
Whereas, on the other hand, his parents won't even eat without him.

I am NEVER gonna forgive him for this.

Another hour passed and Sameer finally came back. He entered the hall looking around and finding it empty. He looked on the stage where all were sitting. Everyone stood as they saw Sameer entering the place. He looked towards me and our eyes locked for a moment. He immediately looked down and marched towards the stage.

"Why?", Sameer's father questioned.
"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ALL OF A SUDDEN !?!", His father asked in pure anger.
I flinched at his tone.
Sameer kept looking down in silence.
"Don't make me ask again, Sameer", his father warned him.
Still, no response from him.

Before his father could slap him, Aunt Lubna held his hand.

"What are you doing?", said Aunt Lubna.
"I am doing what is right for him. He deserves this. How can he leave just like that when his parents and in law's reputation is at stake!?!?", Uncle Khatib said angrily.
"We can sort this at home", Aunt Lubna said concerned.

Uncle looked towards Aunt Lubna for a moment and said,"Let's go home".

We all sat in three cars. Sameer's mom, dad, brother and sister in one.
My mom and dad in one.
Lastly, me and Sameer in one.

We were on our way to Sameer's house. I looked him. He was looking outside the window.
I sighed.
The ride continued in silence. After sometime, we reached home.

We all were in the living room.
Everyone's gaze was on Sameer.

"Care to tell us your reason ?", Uncle Khatib asked him in sarcasm and anger, breaking the silence,

"Yes Sameer. Tell us. Why did you do this ?", my father questioned.

"Did you know how worried we were ?", asked Aunt Lubna.

Sameer slowly tilted his head upwards and said, "I apologize for leaving abruptly"

"That's it? That's all you have to say !?!", Sameer's father asked in disbelief.

"Yes. I am sorry. That's all i have to say", Sameer said looking down.

What's the deal with this guy?
Why can't he give an explanation?

Sameer immediately got up before anyone could say anything and went to his room leaving everyone in shock and disbelief.

What the actual hell!!!

His mother sighed heavily and said to my parents, "We are truly sorry on behalf of our son".

"It's ok, Lubna", said my mom.

"How can we leave our daughter in the hands of a man who is so irresponsible? ", my father asked, sighing.

"We assure you, Alami. We will not let this happen again. We'll take responsibility ", Sameer's father said, resting his hand on my father's, giving him a reassuring expression.

My dad nodded his head and said, "Ok. We should leave now. It's already late".

Aunt Lubna asked worriedly,"How can you leave at this time?"
She looked at the clock and then continued, "It's 1:00 am".

"It's ok, Lubna. Our house isn't too far. We'll manage", my mother said with a small smile.

I hugged my parents one last time before they leave and bid them goodbye.

Aunt Lubna looked at me and said,"You must be tired, habibti. Go change your clothes and get some rest".

I nodded and went to our room
I still felt weird calling it "our room"

I entered the room and saw Sameer. He already changed his clothes and slept.

How can he sleep so peacefully after creating such a huge chaos!!

I sighed, looking at him and went towards the walk-in closet.
I changed into a comfy blue coloured night dress.

I glanced at Sameer one last time and drifted to sleep.


I couldn't sleep because of what happened today. I remembered the scene from the living room. Everyone's eyes towards me. So many questions and I couldn't answer to even one of them.
Guilt and embarrassment filled my heart.

How can I possibly answer them?

The truth will break their hearts. Especially Inaayah's.

I opened my eyes at the thought of Inaayah and found her sleeping beside me. Her back was facing me. Her hijab was still on her head.

The thought of her eyes looking in mine when I entered the hall wasn't leaving my mind.

Her eyes were a little puffed. She probably cried. My heart clenched at just the imagination of her, crying.

I looked at her back. Gathering courage, I asked, " Inaayah?"
No response.
"Inaayah??", I asked again.
I sighed, getting no response again.

I wanted to apologize to her separately for what happened.

I closed my eyes in disappointment.
I just couldn't sleep. Today's thoughts clouded my mind entirely.


Heyy guys!!!!
I am not dead.

Sorry for posting so late.

What do you guys think of this chapter?
What was the reason Sameer left in the middle of his reception??

Comment your thoughts on this.

Stay tuned.
Bye byee!!!


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