Chapter 7 - Heron Fucks Lauren

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Heron was busy guzzling down soda and watching some cheesy old 90s show in his cozy little shelter in the woods, he had built it by hand with his father awhile ago! And it was super cozy while raining, which it was, quite hard in fact. His father also helped him build it as he was getting tired of the constant smell of weed, and Heron was too much of a pothead to compromise in any other way.

Rain pelted the roof of the place aggressively, practically drowning out the noise of the old analog TV he had set up on the floor. Heron liked older technology more than new, he liked how unique it was! The effectiveness of it made it less worth it, however. Depending on how lazy he's feeling, he'll just watch what he wants on his phone.

Heron flopped down on the small bed he had set up in front of the Television, finishing the can of soda before his ear twitched. “Hm?” Over the rain that sounded like gunshots coming down from the sky, he heard… a knock, on the door, his door? There weren't any other doors, but who'd know about this place? Jessica, probably.

Heron creaked the door open to take a peak at whoever knocked, swinging it open when spotting Lauren. He was surprised, of course, mostly because he never told Lauren about this place. “Heyyy, Little Red, what's up? Decide to stalk me, huh?” Lauren muttered something out, though it was drowned out by the overwhelmingly loud rain. Heron also noticed the fact that Lauren was absolutely drenched, shivering and looking like a short ice cube. “I'll ask questions later! You look freezing,”

Heron stepped aside, letting Lauren in before shutting the door. He walked over to a small heater on the floor, plugging it in and setting the heat to max. “That'll warm up in a second, I'll grab you a blanket.” Lauren sat down next to the heater as Heron went and grabbed a large blanket from the bed, tossing it over to Lauren.

“So, now that you're not at risk of hypothermia, what's up? Why were you out in a storm?? And also, how'd you find this place?” Heron asked, sitting down across from the sopping wet friend of his. “Oh, uhm, I asked Jessica… And she said that on a Friday, you'd be guaranteed to be here,” He muttered, wiping the water off his face. “And I just wanted to hang out with someone, I don't wanna be alone right now…”

Heron nodded, leaning back. “Heh, she knows me so well!” He laughed, before attempting to be a little more serious. “Is something wrong, buddy? I'm not exactly the FIRST person you'd go to, let alone during a night like this! Did… something happen with your parents?” Lauren looked down at the wooden floor, wrapping the surrounding blanket a little tighter. “… I confessed to Vincent,” He sighed, giving Heron enough for it to click in his head. “I'm… guessing he responded in a very Vincent way, huh?” 

Lauren didn't respond to that, but that was even more confirmation than a yes. “I can't say professing your love to someone out of the blue is a GREAT idea, BUT if he responded the way I know he did, i… yeah, I'm sorry, sometimes life is gonna suck… No pun intended.” Heron awkwardly smiled, dropping it after just a moment. “Well, if hanging out with little old me is what makes you feel better, then I have no problem letting you hang around! Besides, I'd feel like a dick if I sent you back out there,”

Heron stood up, stretching a little. “This place is practically like a mini apartment, it doesn't even have any other rooms besides this single one! It's real authentic.” He snickered, quickly disregarding the sad state of apartment living in our current day and age, as that is sad. “Do you want some hot cocoa? I don't have a stove, but I do have a microwave!! So, you can have anything that's microwaved,”

Lauren stood up, keeping the blanket around his shoulders. He looked around the small yet cozy interior, a little jealous. “No, that's fine! I don't want to be a bother…” Heron shook his head, putting his hands on his hips. “Pfft, I have an asshat brother and a nosey sister. You could set me on fire and that'd still be less of a bother than anything they'd do.” Lauren hesitantly nodded, walking over to the small TV as Heron tended to the hot coca.

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