Chapter 13 - The End of ꕤblue waterꕤ

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Today was finally the day, the day that'd make or break everything, the day that would change their entire summer and maybe even their entire lives after… Except not really, it was just a dance, but it was still exciting! Lauren could barely sleep, though he also remembered that Vincent said demons existed, so that kept him up a little too. The dance was so close, Lauren could almost taste it. In fact, he thought it tasted like the sun, whatever that does taste like.

Only problem, he was still unhappy with the argument he had with his parents a few days ago. Jessica advised him to just ignore it, but it still kinda bothered him. Lauren thought about going down and talking to them, It probably wouldn't hurt, right? Then again, if it did go sour, Lauren didn't want to have a dampened mood during the dance.

So instead, he just stayed in his room for the first half of the day. He had a lot to think about, anyway, there was still so much summer left, and he still didn't entirely know what to do about it. Had he even changed at all? Well, that was a silly question, of course he has. It's only been a few months, but he's grown a lot as a person. His friends, they've grown a little. But for the most part, Lauren changed the most. He wondered how much more he'd change over the next coming months, after realizing that he's come this far already.

Maybe he could move out, he was 18 after all, but he also wasn't sure how he'd fare all by himself. Perhaps he could find himself a roommate, that'd make things less lonely! Besides, he never liked being alone, anyway, he was always an extrovert at heart. Lauren was sat at his desk, reading through an old book of his as his mind wandered endlessly. This summer has been pretty nice, he thought, one of the nicest summers he's had in a while. He's grown, he's made new friends… two new friends, technically, or by Vincent's terms, only one-- whatever, he's met new people, and they like him, he thinks.

Lauren smiled, checking the alarm clock on his bedside table. “I better get going, I don't want to miss anything!” He happily muttered under his breath, sitting up from his desk. He rummaged underneath his bed, pulling out the suit him and his friends picked together. Lauren put it on, adjusting the collar a little before looking in the mirror. He looked the same as always, but in his mind, he almost felt like a completely different person. Hopefully that wasn't something he needed to get checked out, he needs enough therapy as is.

He paused when reaching for the door handle, hoping his parents weren't downstairs. I mean, even if they are, I guess it won't be too bad. Lauren swung the door open, shutting it behind him as he walked down the staircase. Unluckily for him, his parents were seated at the dining room table, but they didn't seem as angry as they were the last few days. “Good morning, sweetie!” His mother greeted. It wasn't morning, It was late in the afternoon. But he also hasn't come out of his room, yet, either. “Oh, hey, mom, dad.” Lauren awkwardly waved back.

Lauren went straight for the front door, pausing when his dad spoke up. “Do you need us to drive you to your little event?” He asked. Lauren contemplated the offer, before sighing. “… Nope! Love you, bye!” He opened the front door, hastily slamming it shut after running out. Man, that was awkward. Lauren picked up his bike, he hadn't ridden it since that last day of school. Mainly because some jerk stole it, and he just now got it back. Somehow, chaining the wheels did nothing to deter the thief. Lauren theorized it was a werewolf, or some other supernatural creature, it wasn't unlikely.

Putting the constant stealing of his bikes aside in his mind, Lauren hopped on. He paid a bit more attention to his surroundings this time, but he could never stop himself from getting lost in his mind. Lauren wondered what dress Ripley picked out, she seemed pretty secretive about it! Must be something cool, or weird, trippy, even! All those things described her pretty well. Lauren also wondered if he would find someone to dance with, or if he even wanted to dance. Heron would probably be up for it, and Lauren liked Heron quite a lot. He wouldn't have slept with him if he didn't.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 03 ⏰

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