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We went back to school that year only to find we had a ✨new✨ defence against the dark arts teacher wich i think its safe to say was a nightmare!Her name was umbrige.Me and Harry had Defence against the dark arts first with the rest of the 4th year Gryffindors and Slytherins.i got up holding Harrys hand and set off towards her classroom only letting go of his hand when i opened the door we were late so i was expecting detention so i sat down ready to hear what i hear almost every day.Umbitch(umbrige if you didnt know shes a bitch so umbitch😁💀💀)had that face smile plasterd on her face as usual "ah Mr.Potter Mrs.Malfoy you are late Detention! after classes please" she said still smiling we had a very boring leture about how voldemort had not returned and Dumbledore and Harry are lying until i had had enough so had Harry we both stood up i yelled "voldemort is back and i had to live with him for a week so dont tell me im wrong!also fuck anyone who dosent believe me" While harry shouted "he is back i saw him return so shut the fuck up!" We both left the classroom before anyone could say anything.

That night me and Harry went to detention that night more annoyed than anything.I opened the door and sat down while Harry stood awaiting instruction "sit" said umbich in a fake cheerfull tone "what are we doing?" I asked as i had done many times before "lines you both will write i must not tell lies" i was confused we were here for bieng late not for  lying "but miss we are here for bieng late" asked Harry just as confused as i was "yes but you lied" i sighed and took the quill i was given beginning to write:

I must not tell lies

I must not tell lies 

I must not tell lies 

I must not tell lies 

I must not tell lies

But something was wrong as i felt a sharp pain on my hand i was not writing with and there i saw engraved in my skin bleeding were the words 

I must not tell lies

I was enraged but didnt want to let her see she got to me so i carried on writing as if i didnt feel pain i was very good at this as i had to pretend i was fine with much worse injuries but Harry however was visibly scared i put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile that he returned as we both continued our lines.When my desk was bloody as well as my hand umbitch said "right thats quite enough you may go now" we both got up and left covered in blood.I immediately went up to the astronomy tower telling Harry i was going star gazing.He told Draco i was there but Draco saw me singing not star gazing i decided to sing a song i wrote a long time ago "Who are you?the person ive become i fear you but also envy you who are you?the person who shaped me in the wrong way you where ment to love my but instead your the reason im up all night crying into my pillow cause aint got a sholder yeah yeah!"Draco instantly knew the second part was about our father.He came up to me and hugged me from behind " i love you sis!"he said i smiled "i love you to"

The next day we were aloud to go home for the weekend Ron said i could come stay at Grim old place for the weekend with the weaslys,Harry and Hermionie i aceppted texing Draco as i got in a compartment with Harry Ron and Hermionie.


Me:hey Dray tell dad that im going to live with the weaslys and Harry for the summer

Dray:aww im gonna miss you!can i come😢?

Me:ill ask Molly realy likes you so pros


Me:yh you can come Rom texted Molly abt it



That night i found Draco on the train and dragged him and Harry along with the wealslys and Hermionie.Once we arrived at the burrow i noticed a man i had seen as mass murderer Sirius Black! Harry had told me he was innocent but Draco didnt know so he was very scared but i dragged him aside and told him about his innocence so he went back in the kitchen.On my way to dinner i heard an unfamiliar voice call my name i signalled Draco to go on without me as i turned to face the unfamiliar person but to my surprise i saw Sirius Black with Harry standing next to him.


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