Godson and Werewolf

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I stood infront of the man not showing any kind of fear "brave youngster you are suprised your not a Gryffindor!"He laughed and i smiled "now to the point!" He said "are you Lyra Malfoy Slytherin 16 and most importantly the girlfriend of my godson?" I laughed "if this handsome man is your godson then yes" i pointed at Harry "well yes he is but all i wanted to say was look after my godson.......please?" I smiled "Course!but do you know were Remus is by any chance?" "I think he's in the garden" he replied "thanks!" And i ran out into the garden to find Remus.

Soon i took out my phone and realized something  it was full moon!Now for a normal person full moon might mean some people act up but for me no i have to go through a painfull transformation. I started to panic pacing around saying"no no no no no no this cant be happening not a full moom fucking fenrier i swear hes dead!"Remus was watching me from around the corner.(at this point i dont know Remus is a werewolf)"what do you mean about the full moon?"I panicked what should i tell him?"err nothing just uhh i heard werewolfs hang around in the forest"i said my lying skills clearly lacking "hey also Remus im sorry about how i treated you when you where my teacher could we get a fresh start?" He smiled "sure but back to the moon thing i know your lying tell the truth i wont tell anyone" i gave in there was no point in arguing "fine im a werewolf!" I said turning around so as not to face him.To my suprise he put a hand on my shoulder "hey i get it" i was confused how could he get it?"how"i asked but was surprised by the answer "well because im one to" i faced him in utter shock "how!?" i exclaimed he smiled "lovely family friend of your Fenrier greyback" i replied "hey!i hate him but he is a family friend not my friend besides hes the one who bit me!" He smiled "im not acussing you lf bieng his bestie!" He put his hands up laughing "well better go inside" i said now laughing as well "your right lets go!" He put a hand on my shoulder and led me inside.

I made my way upstairs to the room Molly told me to go to when i first arrived but mid way upstairs Remus stopped me"hey aren't you hungry?"he asked "no im used to going without food" this was not a lie my parents had made me starve at least once a week for a whole day! Remus looked rather concerned but went into the kitchen silently.I again shared a room with Harry i sat on one of the beds and went on my phone for a while until Molly Remus and Draco came in.Draco immediately hugged my while Molly put a plate of food on my bedside table and left but Remus left a note "hey what was that for?" I asked Draco confused "you were starved at home!why didnt you tell me?" I was shocked "i dont know?and yes i was starved!"Draco let go and sat on the bed next to me pulling out his phone " you.are.the.best.no arguing.you.are!"he said rather sternly i hugged him.I then grabbed the note that Remus had left

Dear Lyra

I only told Molly Draco and Harry you can tell anyone else about starving and werewolf they all care about you and they accepted me with me bieng a werewolf who says they wont accept you anyway hope you transformation goes well

Best Wishes Remus

I smiled "Right dray out!" He looked offended "why?" He asked "im going to get changed now go!" He rolled his eyes "fine!" I got changed and went on my phone.Harry came in soon after "hey babe why didnt you come to dinner?" I smiled "well that is a story for another night but lets just say im on good terms with Remus now" he looked confused but wished me goodnight and got into bed with me cuddling me and eventually falling asleep.

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