Chapter 14 - I Woke Up To The Sound Of Silence

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             “Almost ready, Niall?” Liam asked, picking up the boys suitcase and setting it on the bed. Niall was staring out the window, and turned when he heard Liam speak. He smiled slightly, nodding and then giggling, before hugging Liam tightly.

             “Do I get to still see you?” Niall asked.

             Liam smiled and sat on the bed, patting the spot next to him. Niall hopped up on the bed and looked up to Liam’s brown eyes he had grown comfortable around.

             “I’m going to help you settle in, but then, I don’t know if you and I will see each other very often. My place is here, with my family,” Liam said, putting his hand on Niall’s shoulder gently. Niall huffed and then looked up through his eyelashes.

             “But,” He paused, thinking of the words he wanted, searching for the words that described his emotions, “We are…we are like…brothers now,”

             And then Liam wanted to cry, because hell, that was the cutest thing he had ever heard of out Niall’s mouth and it was adorable in the most amazing way. He felt the same way about Niall too, and tears filled his eyes slightly.

             “I know,” Liam choked, “But hey, we can always talk over the phone, right? And you’ll know exactly where to put the phone, right?”

             “Yes,” Niall smiled, “My ear, and my mouth,”

             Liam had finally taught Niall how to hold the phone, without having to constantly correct him. Niall was very proud that he could do it on his own too. Liam ruffled Niall’s hair. He felt close to Niall, in the most brotherly way possible. He knew that Zayn had already filled that…other role.

             “Liam?” Niall asked.

             “Yes, Ni?” Liam asked.

             “When Zaynie and I live in our castle, I’m going to invite you to come with us. You can live in the extra room, so I can still see you,” Niall decided, clasping his hands tightly, his adorable little face looking serious. Liam chuckled and leaned in, kissing his forehead.

             “Whatever you want,” Liam agreed.


                          Zayn sat in his room, miles away from his baby, staring at an old painting. It was one of the first paintings he and Niall had ever made. Even though it wasn’t very good or accurate, it was beautiful. There was a spot right at the bottom where Niall had spilled the paint. He had been so angry, crying and telling Zayn that it was ruined. But Zayn had managed to calm him and tell him that it added something special to the painting.

             The tan boy let a smile work its way onto his face as he remembered the first time they had ever drawn.

Louder Than Lions│Ziall Horalik AU *Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now