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All of my due dates are starting to look irrelevant to me so stories are getting delayed heavily


I am sobbing while writing this because I talked to my school counselor about my health issues and why I'm behind on assignments, and instead of judging me or just telling me to get over it, she is actually helping me.

She told me that school isn't meant to be hell, and it shouldn't weigh on your health in any sort. Health is more important than school. Thats absolutely insane to me because my last school would have laughed at me. I moved schools because they were trying to send my mother to court for too many excused absences. Yknow.. too many doctors appts.. 
They were trying to get me in trouble because I was missing multiple school days a week AND a few classes everyday because I couldn't get to the classrooms upstairs. (I had an elevator pass but quite a few buildings didn't have an elevator or a ramp to the second floor.) At one point I had a friend carry me up the stairs so I wouldn't get suspended.

and now this is how its changed? How does an ONLINE school have better health accommodations than an in-person? its so weird to finally be treated like a human. Now that I've seen the bare minimum, its starting to make me regret staying at my old school for so long.

I would love nothing more than to expose my old school for all of the injustices and laws that they have broken, but the reason they are still running is the money. Everyone in that school knows that they're only still running because of the money they make for our state. 

I also don't have much of a voice given my position in the world currently. I think if I had a platform that would be the first thing I did. Until then, I'll just keep writing my little diary here.

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