Weekend Chaos

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So Friday night was prom and I absolutely slayed. The theme was masquerade ball and my group and I ATE. I had a guy try and kiss me... Man thought he was in one of my books smh sjhdhdb.

But after my lovely day of prom, the next afternoon I decided to wreck an ATV and spend the night in the ER LOOLLL

I'm fine I promise, just battered and bruised. My left wrist got injured but we don't know if it's broken or sprained or what. I just can't use it.

But I was kinda thinking about showing my face sometime on here. This whole account is very private so most people have no idea about it. My in person identity is kept hella secret cause this stuff might not look good on my name in the future lol

But I've gotten some confidence in myself lately and honestly don't care what people think of me anymore (this will defo change in like a week, I'm too bipolar for all this).

Just a quick update. If anyone sees this and has any opinions, send them my way <3

Typing with one hand,


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