Chapter Nine: Veera

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I woke up in Talon's bed.
He sat beside me in a chair he'd dragged from the dining set in the corner.
Having slept in it as well.
As he had for the last three days since I'd come back.
He stroked my cheek, summoning a tray of food and a hot tea beside me.
I smiled and sat up gingerly.
My body was still stiff and ached, but all my bones had been reset and healed by Talon.
My back had been broken in three places, so I still required some recovery time to regain the full use of my legs.
"How are you feeling?" He asked gently, setting the tray on my lap and fixing my tea with milk and sugar.
"Better," I admitted, taking a sip and smiling at the taste. I gave Talon a loving smile. "Thank you for preparing my favourite."
He stroked my cheek again, giving me a small smile. "It's the least I can do."
I frowned. "Talon..."
He shook his head, not wanting to argue about whether it was his fault I was kidnapped or not.
I was firmly in the no camp.
He was in the warring camp of yes.
"Bellamina's body was found in the Caves, buried deeper than you were."
I sighed. "I barely remember how she even took me." That was a lie, but the memories I had of the Caves felt...odd.
They were hazed and everytime I went over them, the taste of smoke and ash filled my mouth with the taste of my own magik.
Like I knew they weren't true.
So, I had barely said anything about being taken by the Priestess.
The bits I did remember were Elias and I being knocked unconscious.
But, the haze took over from there until I was in a round room of stone.
The wall blew open and the haze took over again, showing me fighting against Bellamina.
The backlash of our magik combining in the the small tunnel.
The cave in that should have killed us both.
But somehow I survived.
Talon watched me, the tingle in my chest causing my forehead to ache.
He frowned when I gripped my head, placing my tea down a bit too harshly.
He vanished the tray, coming to sit on the bed and wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm sorry, I was trying to release the haze in your mind." His voice was a whisper.
I sat back, staring at him. "Y-you can feel that?" Hope strung in my chest but my head ached again, making me squeeze my eyes shut and grabbed the area.
"I can." He soothed, hugging me and running his hand across my back. "I can't break through it. Something is blocking our bond."
The tingled sparked and I cried out at the pain.
"Please!" I begged and the tingling ended immediately.
I went limp against Talon, gasping from the sudden release of pain.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He whispered, holding me tightly.
I shook my head. "It's okay." I reached up, wrapping an arm around his neck and pulled myself up. "I'm okay."
He moved the covers off me and pulled me into his lap, cradling me as I hugged into his neck.
"We'll figure this out," he promised, kissing my temple.
I hid the sharp pain that it caused and nodded.
"Lunarus is in two days." I noted. Talon sighed, wrapping his arm under my legs and standing up.
"We can talk about that later." He gave me a smile that made my heart race and I blushed.
He walked me to the bathtub, using his finger to fill the tub with steaming warm water.
He held me steady as I pulled off my gown and dropped it as he placed me gently in the water.
I sighed at the feeling as I curled and stretched my legs, the ache and dullness receding.
"I thought we might try riding today." Talon called from the closet where he had some of my clothing moved.
"That sounds good, is Elias joining us?" Any time I had wandered outside the manor, Elias was somewhere close by.
He had tried to apologise for leaving me alone to check the forest around the house when Bellamina attacked, but the ash taste in my mouth stopped me accepting it.
I'd just hugged him instead and we'd said very little to each other since.
He'd just follow me like a shadow.
Talon returned with my riding clothes, helping me out of the bath and drying me.
"He is meeting the Dark Court emissary today," he sighed, helping me into my pants.
The name of the Court pulsed in me.
"Why?" I scowled.
Talon gave me a confused look. "They're our paired Court for Lunarus. Remember?"
The taste of ash. But I nodded.
"Right, I forgot." I chuckled, rolling my eyes.
Talon shook his head, leaning forward to kiss my forehead. "Come on, let's go." He led me out of the manor and to the stables.
We spent most of the morning travelling through the stunning Spring time forests. Birds and animals ran freely, flowers in bloom filling the air with wonderful scents.
Talon showed me through a stunning river valley, stopping us at the bottom of a gorgeous waterfall.
We had lunch together, Talon summoning a picnic set for us and we ended up laying together watching the clouds and making silly stories of what we saw.
After a while, I turned to Talon, he raised his brow at me.
"Lunarus," I started.
He chuckled, turning and resting his head on his fist to lean above me.
"Go on," he stroked my cheek.
"I-I want to choose you." I blushed at him, waiting for his reaction of laughter or rejection. Something in my mind ached but I fought against it, trying to silence it with my own magik.
His hand on my cheek slowed, surprise lighting his eyes. "You don't-"
I covered his mouth with my hand.
"I want to." I kept my eyes locked with his, making sure he understood it had nothing to do with our bond, but purely how I felt about him.
Even though my mind ached and burned in defiance.
His mouth opened and his tongue licked the back of my hand.
"Ew!" I pulled my hand away, wiping it on his shirt while he laughed at me, he wrapped me in his arms and leaned down, silencing me and making me blush from his closeness.
"I'm going to ravish you." He growled and my core warmed. He stroked my cheek, brushing hair back and his hand on my waist squeezed.
"So, if I call your name?" I breathed.
He smiled. "I will accept," he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine.
I pushed him back in surprise.
He blinked.
"I... I've never kissed someone." I blushed.
The smile he gave me was wicked. "I'll do much more than kiss you at Lunarus." He pressed his lips to me again and I gave in.
The pain in my mind returned and I had to push him away, gasping.
His eyes softened. "I'm sorry."
I shook my head, forcing myself to smile through the pain. "Don't be, I'm still a bit weak." He gave a gentle look and stroked my cheek before laying back down beside me to let me rest.
I moved to lay on his chest while he read me poetry from the blue book he'd once tried to hide from me.
It was filled with beautiful words of war and the want of peace and love.
The last one he read me was a hilariously filthy poem he'd made as a young soldier in the Camps, shortly after he'd become friends with Elias.
The day passed and by the time we realised, the sun was starting to set.
Talon and I rode together in a steady trot back to the stables.
Guias and Feran were waiting for us, waving as we entered.
"Have a fun day, Miss Phina?" Guias smiled at me, his sharp teeth showing.
I smiled at Talon as he took my hand.
"It was quiet lovely." Talon waited by my side, his thumb stroking my hand while I spoke with Guias and Feran about their day.
He walked with me, letting me lead us wherever I wanted around the gardens and asking if I needed to rest.
I rolled my eyes everytime, ignoring him until I was truly exhausted from the day of horse riding and exercising.
He carried me to bedroom, leaving me with Veera to get ready for dinner while he greeted the guests for the Dark Court who would be joining us.
The taste of ash filled my mouth at the thought of it.
"What's wrong with your face?" Veera huffed, her honey and white fur glittering as she fussed behind me to pin my hair.
I caught my reflection, seeing the sour look on my face.
I swallowed and tried to relax it.
"Just thinking about things." I chewed on the inside of my mouth.
Veera peered behind her at the door then turned back to me, leaning close to my ear.
"Don't speak, just nod or shake your head."
I nodded.
She touched my shoulder and I had to suppress a gasp as something pushed into my mind and Veera's voice echoed.
Your mouth is filled with ash and smoke, yes?
I nodded.
Do you know why?
A head shake. She hid a sigh by spraying me with a bottle of perfume she pulled from her pocket.
You have been hexed.
I blinked.
Someone is blocking your memories. I have seen your face when you recall what happened in the Caves. Her eyes widened and I nodded, knowing she could tell I had been lying.
I wanted to cry.
Lord Talon noticed. But he can not communicate with you like this, it is dangerous.
I opened my mouth to ask questions, but the look she gave me made me close it quickly.
She moved around me, shuffling in the draws of the vanity and pulled out a stone with a swirling design etched into it.
My mind pictured it glowing blue and a memory flashed.
Neeve! I went to stand, Veera's paw on my shoulder kept me down.
He is safe. She soothed. Goblins are immune to magik. But your magik is different. You are different.
My mind shook, the fog fighting against something else. I gripped it
Veera squeezed my shoulder.
Don't fight it. Let it battle. You can win. I relaxed, letting the two forces in my mind clash.
My forehead blazed and my chest burned.
Minor life-debt. I heard Bellamina's voice and my chest heaved forward with force and the scar on my chest burned through my clothes.
My forehead shone and the star stone revealed itself.
The fog in my mind shook and something blasted inside of me.
I fell back into Veera's arms, her hand covering my screams.
It's almost over. You can win! She shouted into my mind.
I didn't understand what she meant.
The battle within me was between two forces I had no control of.
They lashed and clawed at each other with an eons worth of hatred.
My body convulsed.
No! Fight! You are a Dark Lady! You are a Magik Fae! Fight Seraphina! Veera screamed at me.
The words she used.
Dark Lady.
Magik Fae.
Something in me expanded and I felt the tingling and burning be suppressed by a warmth so powerful I cried out against Veera's hand.
The stone cracked and fell from my forehead and the fog vanished.
I fell back into Veera's arms, gasping as quietly as I could.
"You're okay." She whispered soothing my hair and brushing her hand across my forehead.
I winced for a moment before I felt it be healed with magik.
I blinked at Veera.
She gave me a smile as she helped me stand, calling in a dress exactly like the one that hung off my body, half singed.
"There is many mysteries in Lyaria." She mused, helping me dress.
She sat me back down, picking up the stone from the floor and stuffing it into her pocket.
"Lord Talon has a knack for finding the best." She winked and turned, heading for the door. "I believe Lord Dorian is attending tonight." She said at her proper volume as she turned, her hand on the door.
I stared at her, a mix of fear and confusion.
"Shall we go introduce you?" Her smile was one I'd seen before, it was similar to Talon's wicked smile of a plan in motion.
I stood, taking a deep steadying breath and smoothed my dress.
It was a deep green backless dress, a high slit and golden embellishments.
The colours of the Beast Court.
I smiled.
"It'd be nice to meet new people," I did my best to keep my voice even, Veera giving me an encouraging smile as we stepped into the hall.
"New discoveries every day, keeps the mind strong." She mused and I giggled, receiving a cheeky smile from her and a gentle nudge.
Whatever Dorian and Bellamina had planned, Talon had realised it.
I don't know how, but I could feel it through our bond that bloomed again.
He brushed against my mind, a feeling of serenity and the flash of our kiss.
He knew there was lies and secrets, so he used lies and secrets in retaliation.
I looked down at Veera as we descended the stairs. Her composure was perfect and sedated, as if there wasn't enemies surrounding us.
I followed her lead.
She had reminded me who I was, the person Dorian had made me realise I was born to be.
Born from a Dark Court Lord. I had the power of shadow and night, just as Dorian did.
But my magik made me different, it gave me the power of fire and light.
The power of the Beast Court.
I set my face into a docile expression I had learnt from Cassandra as we stepped into the dining room.
Talon raised from his chair, smiling at me as I bowed my head to him.
"My Lord," I greeted with a pleasant smile and turned to Elias beside him, I nodded to him. "Captain, glad to see you your journey went well."
Elias gave me a curt nod, a tight smirk hidden on his lips.
I briefly looked over the Fae dressed in black, his knuckles were no longer split open from the brutality he inflicted on me to cover up the fake cave in. He'd just wanted a way to kill Bellamina before Talon got to her.
Her ties to Cassandra was a weakness he knew would be a problem when linked.
I settled my eyes on Cassandra who stood beside him, we mimicked the same pleasant smile.
"Priestess," I nodded at her, receiving a polite nod back.
I finally met Dorian's eyes, the wildness in the barely controlled behind the calm hazel.
I gave a bow. "Welcome to our home, Lord of the Dark Court."
His smile laced with a possessive venom, as he gave a half-purred response.
"Lord Dorian, please, my sweet."
I gave him a apologetic smile and bowed again. "My apologies, Lord Dorian."
Talon met my eye, I suppressed the shiver as he brushed our bond with praise and went to sit down beside Elias.
I raised my glass before we started to eat, Talon and Elias copying me.
"I don't know if it's appropriate," I forced a blush, giving a shy look to Lord Dorian who smirked at my action. I looked away, raising my glass more confidently. "To a bountiful Lunarus." I smiled.
Talon and Elias smiled, clinking with my glass.
Lord Dorian stroked my finger as our cups connected.
Something settled in my mind, like a message through the bond.
Be at the house. Midnight. I met Talon's eye as we sipped.
He gave me a gentle smile.
A plan in motion.
I smiled and then turned it on Lord Dorian, seeing the madness try to claw its way out with possession.

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