Chapter Fourteen: Kendra's Mistake

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Dorian had forced Kendra to allow me to be healed, at least enough to continue parading me about.
Though Kendra agreed, I was only allowed one session a week.
Talon and I didn't see each other, he tried to a few sleeps after the Cyclops. But Kendra had started to punish and brutalise him, even basic magik he was too weak to be more than a shadow in the corner of my eye and his words a whisper.
He had plans, Elias was working, but we had to wait for an ally.
So, I waited. For Kendra's next test or our allies to show.
Dorian kept me as his dazed dancer most nights.
The Captain became the only one who delivered my food, always swapping the tainted trays for boxes or summoned food he'd brought.
Neither said much to me since the night of the Cyclops.
Another outfit was selected, this one was two pieces of black silk fabric, bound at my shoulders by black six pointed stars brooches and a chain belt that kept the open sides somewhat in place.
Dorian had me dressed and attached the leash to the belt after my third healing session.
"We're going to meet some new friends, pet." He said over his shoulder as he led us through the tunnels.
He wore his usual cape and clothes of black, but something about his demeanour had altered.
Usually he would be caressing me or forcing me to drink.
Instead, he causally guided me, not pulling the chain or checking every corner with paranoid suspicion, keeping me close.
It was also the most dressed he'd allowed me to be.
"Who are the friends?" I asked softly.
He slowed to walk beside me. His hand grabbed mine and squeezed.
"No one will harm you, not while I'm here." He promised, stroking my hand with his thumb and looking down at me with a clarity I had never seen.
He stopped us before the door of the hall, released my hand and stroked my cheek.
His eyes held mine.
"You are very beautiful." He murmured, leaning towards me.
I went to step back when I felt a force keep me still, letting Dorian press his lips to mine.
He pulled away when he heard Kendra's giggling, turning to see her standing at the end of the hallway, Talon stood behind her, watching us.
His eyes were glazed and he stood completely still until Kendra moved towards us.
Dorian bowed.
"Mother, I didn't know you'd be joining." His tone was flat but his hand curled into a fist of annoyance.
Kendra smiled at him, a toothy look too vicious to be pleasant as she glanced between us.
"I have to ensure you don't screw up, honey." She said as if it was a kindness.
Dorian's face paled and his head dropped.
He stepped aside, opening the door for Kendra.
She patted his cheek and stepped in, Talon following behind. His back was covered in lash marks, some fresh and bleeding.
He left a trail of blood that Dorian followed, keeping me beside him.
The Court of Magic waited before the thrones.
Lord Orion stepped aside with the small group of soldiers and his Captain, letting us pass.
They all had various shades of silver and grey hair, glistening silver armour and bright purple eyes.
Lord Orion's amethyst eyes narrowed at the injuries both Talon and I had.
A small woman stood amongst them, a servant in a simple apron and long sleeved dress.
Her skin was soft and pale, her eyes large and dark and her hair the colour of hay.
I turned away from her quickly, almost shaking my head to clear my delusion.
Kendra and Dorian made Talon and I kneel beside their thrones as they sat, serving them food and wine while they spoke with Lord Orion.
He stepped forward, a beard of silver and long grey hair, though the Magic Court was renowned for its large population of Magik-Weilders, they were better known for its natural magic in herbs and nature knowledge. But this man was a warrior, not a sage.
He touched his sword, his eyes flicking to Talon before Kendra.
"So, the rumours are true." He clipped. "You made the Beast Lord kneel."
Kendra giggled, reaching out to stroke Talon back.
He gave a low growl as she claw into an open wound.
Lord Orion threw his chin at me. "Who's she?"
Kendra scoffed, a wicked smile. "Lord Ronan's half-breed." Dorian raised my chin, my collar on display for the Lord. "I made Lord Talon a special version of the same collar." She ran her hand again Talons crotch.
Lord Orion's eyes tightened again, turning on Kendra. "You have two royals bound?"
Kendra beamed, leaning back as she continued to stroke Talons back.
"My son and I have very particular taste." She purred. "The Beast Lord chose to come here. And Lord Ronan bound his daughter in a contract to my son." Dorian produced the scroll between them.
Lord Orion stepped forward, not touching it but leaning in enough to read.
"Why chain them? Do they not agree to this?" Lord Orion asked, leaning around to look at me.
I knew he could see I didn't.
My eyes flicked to Talon as he hissed, Kendra using a claw to cut open a fresh wound.
"I was soul-bound to Lord Talon." I said quickly.
Dorian back handed me, drawing blood.
"Silence, pet." His eyes were crazed.
Lord Orion tightened his jaw. "You can not break a soul-bond. It is against the Accords."
Kendra stood, seething. "Do not speak laws to me! I helped write them!"
"As did I!" Lord Orion shouted back, his voice booming naturally with magik and sending a pulse of air across everyone.
He pointed at me. "Her life belongs to another."
Kendra scoffed, crossing her arms. "The soul-bond is no longer a problem."
Lord Orion's smirk stopped her from her continued gloating.
"But a mate bond is." Before anyone could react, Lord Orion snarled violently, drawing his sword and cleaved the scroll in two, a blast of magik igniting it and exploding in a ball of blue and purple light.
Destroying the magik that bound my life to it.
Allies. My bond with Talon screamed.
Kendra rose, screaming. "How dare you?!" Dark Court guards appeared on all sides of the Magic Court group.
"NOW!" Lord Orion shouted, his men circled and threw out their hands, a shield of blue and purple covering them from the attacks.
Kendra uncoiled her whip and Dorian's eyes became wild, drawing a sword as he threw himself into the battle against the shield, killing one of his own men in a wild swing.
The servant woman stepped out from behind Lord Orion, throwing her arms out to Talon and I.
The collar on my throat heated and I screamed. Talon echoed me.
The sound of metal breaking.
The weight around my neck dropped.
A familiar woman's voice shouting. "Eli!"
Then dark shadows covered me.
"You're alright, kid." Another familiar voice soothed.

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