Chapter 5 - Twilight Zone

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I'm awakened by a sound filtering up from downstairs. And a smell - bacon and eggs frying in a pan. Someone must be making breakfast. And I'm still in my chosen bed, snugly under the covers. Which means I probably didn't sleepwalk again - if I had, Gabe would probably have tied me down or something to stop me.

I grab my new hoodie, pull it on, and also put my pants on before making my way to the bathroom. After I'm done in there, I return to my room and see Gabe still snoozing on his bed. Not wanting to disturb him, I go downstairs.

Inside the kitchen, Harlan's got his back to me as he takes a spatula to some sunny-side-up eggs. "Ah," he says, hearing me approach him, but not turning around. "Bonjour, mademoiselle."

"Your accent sucks," I say, taking a seat at the island separating the living room from the kitchen. "Mademoiselle."

"Oh, whoops," Harlan says, finally seeing me. "I just thought I'd do that V For Vendetta line, you know? Désolé, monsieur."

I hold up my hands in exasperation. "I'm not awake enough to put up with this."

Harlan chuckles, then goes to a coffee machine on the counter. "Sounds like someone needs their morning buzz," he says. "How do you take it? Cream and sugar?"

"Cream and two sugars," I say with a yawn. "And do you have chocolate?"

"Hah, I wish," Harlan grumbles. "Dad purged this cabin of the stuff a few weeks back. I guess it was one munchie too many for me." He pours me a cup of coffee, prepared to my specifications, then adds, "You've never had coffee made with one of these machines, have you?"

"Only espresso-bar stuff from Smythe and Darknell in Coldfire Creek," I say, cupping my hands around the mug to warm them up. "Or instant at home. My mom doesn't believe in proper coffee, 'cause she's in love with this one instant type they have at her school break room."

"Sucks for you, I guess," Harlan says.

I raise my arms and yawn again. Then I see Fionna coming downstairs. I look down and see my shirt and hoodie riding up, revealing the waistband of my boxers (I'm not wearing my belt) and a bit of my stomach above that. Immediately made self-conscious, I lower my arms a little too quickly.

"Don't fuck with me, Feathers," Fionna laughs, coming closer to me. "I know you were happy to see me just now."

"As if I'm ever anything but." Then I spot Juliet right on her heels. I slide off my barstool, flash Fionna a smile as I pass her by, and then come up to Juliet. I lean down, use my knuckles to tilt her head up, and kiss her on the lips before wrapping her in a tight embrace. She lets out a soft moan, then stands on her tiptoes and kisses me back. For a moment, a fleeting one, but I'll take it.

"So tell me," Fionna says, pulling the hair on top of my head, "what happened to you last night?"

I look back at her sheepishly, hoping against hope she doesn't bring up the first half of the dream in front of Juliet. "Uh..."

"Playing dumb?" She pushes my head down and whispers, "I heard you and Gabe yelling about something after the dream ended. So what happened? You don't need to hide it from you?"

"Can I just say that it's too personal to talk about?" I ask.

Fionna lets go of my hair and slumps onto the barstool next to mine. "I thought you trusted me," she moans, jutting out her lower lip.

"It's not about trust," I say, taking her hand and pressing her knuckles with my thumb. I seem to do that a lot with her, I've noticed. "I mean, I trust you. I really do. But if I make you worry about me, I'd feel like shit."

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