Chapter 6

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We've been here for 4 days now.
Suddenly someone opened a locked door, came into the room and took us both. He took us to another probably interrogation room. I heard that it was because they wanted to prevent our escape. He sat us on chairs and then they came. The people, a man and a woman, that had come here a couple of days ago. They had been talking when we had managed to escape.

"It's hard to keep them here, because they aren't children anymore. They aren't children like the other kids you've seen that we have here." said Rey.

"I get it." said the man and asked: "How much?"

How much what? I wanted to ask but I was so scared.

"4 000 for one. Do you want both?"
replied Rey.

"We'll take only one."

"The boy or the girl?" asked Rey and the man turned to the woman, perhaps his wife, to discuss it.

"We'll take the girl." said the man after their short discussion.

Rey took me and gave me to them. I wanted to say something, to defend myself, but I couldn't. They implied something to our veins when I and Blake were asleep in that room. Rey was holding me so I wouldn't run away while the man and the woman was signing some papers. The man gave to Rey some money and the woman was pulling me to their car.

We were going by car somewhere.
I was thinking about lots of things when I saw the police officer from 5 days ago. I started banging on the window when he looked at me. He saw me. And by his expression I think he has recognized me. A while later there was a police car with flashing lights and horns on behind us. I felt hope, that this might finally end. I felt our car is going faster and faster. The policeman called his colleagues and they have stopped our car together.

"Whose kid is the girl in the backseat?" asked the policeman once we stopped our car on the side of the road and the man rolled the window down.

"Ours." they answered together.

"Can I see your ID?"

"Why would you wanna see it?" the man asked.

"If you don't have anything to hide, you won't have a problem to show me your ID. All three IDs."

The man wanted to step on the pedal in the car and escape from the police, but the police officer handcuffed him.

"What are you doing?" asked the woman.

"You're arrested for kidnapping." said the police officer, handcuffed the woman too and let them get out of the car.

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