Fae,Malcom,and MaKenzi

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My name is Fae Luciana and im not your normal teenage girl, I have long black hair, silver eyes with red flakes in them, im 5'4 yea im short I know, im 150lbs, ima a mermaid/demon hybrid, I have tattoos and piercings all over me, 36c boobs, and curves in all the right places yea im hot no im drop dead sexy I know. I have a brother and sister and there twins there names are Malcom and MaKenzi Luciana oh we are the kids of The Demon King Lucian Luciana and The Mermaid Queen Aqua Luciana. I guess that would make us the Prince and Princess's of demons and mermaids but I could careless really.

I am in the shower getting ready for school when my brother yells up "Fae lets go school starts in like 10 and its the second to last week" "yea yea im coming chill shit" I yell back and get out of he shower. I grab my black ripped skinny jeans and blood red halter top and get dressed. I put on my red stiletto boots and grab my red leather jacket and head down the stairs "girl when dad sees you hes going to flip" Mal says with a sly grin "yea I know so lets go NOW" I say while laughing.

"Why us" the twins say at the same time and I bust up laughing "Fae you have your sunglasses" Mak asks me and I hold them up in the air"all you had to do was say yes you ass" she says and I stick my tongue out at her and bust up laughing when she trys to look mean because to be honest there is no mean bone in her body at all. We walk to are cars and I spot my baby sitting there waiting for me"bikes" we all say at the same time and laugh "we should have been trips" Mal says and slides on his 2016 Ducuti and I smile when he starts it up. I get on mine and sigh when I hear purr as I start it up my bike is red and silver, Mak's is purple just like her tail and hair when she gets wet, and last is Mal's his is all black just like his heart but don't tell him I told you that. We pull are helmets on and drive to the place called hell oh wait I mean school hehe as we get closer Mal tells us to mask are sents because people are not to know who and what we are and we hope know one can tell we are the King's kids.

As we pull up to the school people start staring at us 'already my god' Mal says in link and I almost bust up laughing 'calm down' Mak says and I smile this is my family and I will kill anyone that tries to brake that up. We park are bikes next to each other and we get off at the same time its really funny to watch. I mean look at us Mal is wearing black lose fitting jeans that are low on his waist, a black wife beater, black nikes, and a black leather jacket. Mak is wearing purple skinny jeans, a purple and white tank top, purple nikes, and a purple leather jacket. Then theres me in my blacked ripped skinny jeans, red halter top, red stiletto boots, sunglasses, and a red leather jacket with my tattoos and piercings all on display. We start walking up to the doors arm in arm and listen to what people are saying 'damn them girls are sexy as fuck' 'id tap that' 'baby be mine' that girl in red looks like a goddess' 'they look bad ass where can I get one' 'wonder what there like in bed' I cant help but laugh at most of them along with Mal and Mak.

We walk in to the school "it sucks being the new kid" I say and Mal looks at me and nods. I bet your wondering as to why we are at a new school with only two weeks left well here let me tell you.


"Get on your fucking knees bitch" I hear a guy yell "n no im not like that" a soft voice says "DONT PISS ME OFF WHORE" the guy yells.SLAP I look up and see a guy standing over a girl and I shake my head and go to turn around until he moves to the left and I see my sister sitting there tears running down her face. 'Mal get here now im by Mak's locker' I say in are link 'ok' he says I block him out afte rthat because right now im more worried about what is going on in front of me. Slap and thats when I lose it "HEY DICK HEAD" I snap both dickhead and my sister look up and her eyes go wide "what did you say to me slut" he sneers at me. I look over at Mak and can tell she is scared "why dont you come hit on me awhile yea" I say giving him a sly smile. I look back at Mak 'when he gets over to me run Mak' I say and she nods he drops her and stalks over to me "RUN"I yell at her and she takes off like a bat outta hell. He grabs me by my neck "shouldnt have done that" he snaps at me "no bitch you shouldnt have done that" I snap right back as Mal grabs him and rips his head off. "MY NEW SHIRT" I cry "sorry" he says and  laugh we walk out the door and see Mak sitting in my car I sigh and call mom and dad.

*End Flashback*

So that is why we are here now because people freaked out of a dead guy I mean it was just one guy. We get to the office and walk in "hello" Mak says ignored "um miss" my brother says ignored "listen bitch we want a time tables and shit" I snap "dont talk to me that way girl" she snaps at me "I will fucking rip your head" I say but get cut off when I hear Mak say something I hate more then people. Can you guess can you can you well if not then you suck but anyway she said 'mate'. Me and Mal stop dead and turn to face a pale kid about 19, 6'0 ft,195lbs, blonde hair, green eyes, and fucking fangs. Oh fuck no no no no this cant be real can it why the fuck is this happening to her. She is staring at him he is staring at her and I just wanna snap his god damn neck but before I can he walks up and kisses her and thats all I can take. "REALLY" I yell and they brake apart "Fae please calm down he is my mate" she whispers looking down at her feet "I get it but no Mak you have been through to much bullshit" I say trying to be calm for her but its not working. That fucking fang thing hisses at me I turn to glare at him"you wont keep us apart" he says and I can tell there is a double meaning there "I will in til I take my last fucking breath" I snap"Fae stop this right now" Mal yells. I look at him in complet shock "you cant be fucking for real Mal" I yell making everyone jump" I am now stay out of it" he a warns I turn to glare at the so called mate "if you hurt my sister I will END YOU FANG BOY" I whisper. I grab my shit from the bitch and walk out to pissed off to deal with them two anymore "well that was something" I hear fang boy say.

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