Season 1, Episode 3: Fitting in with the Crowd!

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Author's Note: This chapter will introduce a new character in this: Agent Abraham Xander Foreman. Hope you guys will enjoy it. And not only that, the character was made by Nicholas Krauss as he have co-written this mission with me there. Hope you guys will enjoy it. 

***It shows the cuddly penguin icon as that it flies on out of here***

Kind Old Granny: Hey there, people! Kind Old Granny here. Welcome to the Cuddly Penguin Show! Shall we sing our song? She then leans into the ears Okay!

***As the Kind Old Granny prepares to sing the song, the OTS agents then busts into the studio as that they grab the Granny as he prepares to shoot the lady out of the cannon***

Kind Old Granny: WHAT THE HECK!? Oh no,..........

OTS agent: I am so sorry, Kind Old Granny! We need this timeslot urgently!

***The Kind Old Granny then gets shot out of the cannon as she screams***

OTS agent: Clear?

Multiple OTS agents says: "CLEAR!"


***Prologue then begins as that a young man in the house is seen asleep; alarm clock then rings***

???: ***He then sees the alarm; gasps*** FUDGE! I am late for work!

***??? then goes off as that he then prepares himself to plan to get ready; he then goes to the bathroom as he goes to get himself ready***

Lime Hoban (V.O.): If you are here to see a story involving a normal kid living a normal life as well as having a good childhood or something with happy endings, then, you're probably better off somewhere else. In this story, there is no happy beginning in for this one here ever since what happened to his life back in his life, may or may not be a happy ending here and very few good things in the middle. My name is Lime Hoban, and it is my duty to bring in solemn sad history of Frank Drake Kudo on what have happened to him back then. So far, if you can't tell what happened to him,....... after solving multiple different cases around in some different areas in the country of the United States of America, the evil organization, Lords of Violent Extremists, has killed his best friend: Leonard Baker Bone. Due to it, Frank has been feeling sad and drought in misery there. As from what you can see,....... he has been always feeling down and sadness in despair.

***It then reveals to be Frank then frowns as that he then comes out wearing a spy tuxedo suit as well as wearing his spy fedora there as well as he then goes to prepare to go to the spy car of his***

***Frank then goes to drive off as that he then parks at the OTS HQ***

***Frank frowns as he feels sad as he grumbles while feeling down and grumpy; he then goes to clock himself in***

***It then shows the subtitle down below as it shows: "Agent X (A.K.A. Frank Drake Kudo): 16 year old teenage OTS agent"***

Lime Hoban (V.O.): We wish things would be better for Agent X for our protagonist of this story, but......, sadly, that is not how this story goes.

B. Nana Joyner (V.O.): but with every down there is an up ya know.

B.Nana (V.O): speaking of which......

???: ***Makes yet another escape***

??? 2: STOP! Get back here, you thief! You won't get away with this!

***??? 2 then chases after the thief as that he screams as the police officers goes after her***

*A young girl is seen wearing a light blue mask, smirking*

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