Mother's day special~

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(America's pov)

I've been with Prussia for a while now, I glanced over at the clock and sat up right in the bed. I stood up and walked towards the closet, I grabbed a change of clothes and put it on, putting my other clothes into the hamper. I left the bedroom and walked down the hall, it's surprisingly quiet for once. I shrugged it off as the kids not being awake yet. I opened the office door and saw both Lectwist and Prussia passed out on the desk.

I walked over to them and looked down at the papers, they filled all of it out for me. I smiled softly and picked them both up, one on each shoulder and left the room. I put Lectwist onto the bed in her room and then Prussia in mine and his.

I covered up my boyfriend with the blankets and left the bedroom we shared. I smiled softly as I closed the door, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"How is breakfast done...?" I ask myself, as I sniffed the air and the smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs fill my senses. I looked around the room and spotted a plate for myself with a small handmade card next to it. I picked the card up, it was wishing me a happy mothers day. I smiled softly at the card and held it close to me.

My boyfriend and best friend stayed up all night filling out papers for me and the oldest of the kids made breakfast for everyone. They all signed the card as well. I grabbed a fork and started eating happily. I haven't gotten a break in a while, this is nice for one. Plus, it's still quiet. Once I finished eating I put the plate in the sink, noticing it was empty I checked the dishwasher and nothing was in there either.

I left the kitchen and walked down the hallway to the living room, I saw the kids watching a movie. "I'm going out for a bit! The house better be clean when I get back!" I call out to my kids, they turned to look at me and smiled while waving or saying bye. I slipped my tennis shoes on and left the house in a jog.

I'll go for a quick run while I can and maybe go pick up some groceries.

(Delaware's pov)

"Alright! Mom left!" I said to all my siblings, standing up as the oldest.

"New York, and Ohio will go to the nearest flower shop to pick some up. Get moms favorite." I said to those two, they nodded and left in a hurry.

"Youngest ones will pick up their messes and wash the dishes." I said, they all nodded and left the living room ti do as they were told.

"The 12 - 14 year olds shall be dusting and mopping. While the rest of us will clean the bathrooms and bedrooms." I declared, everyone nodded and we all got started on cleaning.

(Ohio's pov)

Me and New York are to pick up some flowers he ordered the other day for mom, he picked moms national flower, roses, and we were going to get them.

"It was roses that you picked, right?" I asked him, he nodded.

"Red, white and blue roses." He said in response.

"Good." I responded as he drove to the flower shop. He pulled into a parking space and we turned on our human disguises as we entered the building. He walked up to the counter and picked up his order.

I smiled at him in response and we left the shop quickly, we don't have much time and need to hurry if we want this to work. He drove to Walmart and parked the car. We both got out and I put the flowers on the floor in the back He locked his car and we started the walk to the entrance.

"Mother's day cards?" I ask him, he nodded and we entered the store. He grasped my hand. Ezra has immense social anxiety, it's why he's always on his phone and avoids going out with us all.

I lead him towards the card section and start looking through them, I could not care on what people thought right now.

"Do you think this could work for mom?" I asked him, he nodded and I grabbed a few cards and their envelopes. We walked towards the checkout lanes and set everything down, Ezra pulled out his credit card and handed it to me.

The cashier scaned everything and put it into a bag for us. I put the card into the slot and put the pin number in before pulling it back out and handing it to my brother. He put it away and I grabbed the bag, leading him out of the store and back towards his car. He let go of my hand once we reached the car.

He quickly started it, and the drive back home before mom got there. Once we got back I handed him the bag and he went inti the house while I grabbed the flowers.

We set everything up in the foyer, the flowers in a vase near the entrance. I handed the cards out to everyone and we all signed them by region in cursive or fine print for those who couldn't write in cursive. I put them all into the envelopes and closed them, sticking them inti ten flowers in the foyer. After that we all sat down in the living room and waited for mom, as soon as the last one took a seat the front door opened.

(America's pov)

I decided against getting groceries, it is mothers day after all. I opened the door and saw my national flower in the colors of my flag right there with a few cards placed inside.

I grabbed the cards and started reading them, each one was different and each was signed by the states from one region. I smiled as the tears started falling, I've never gotten something like this before. I grabbed the flowers out of the vase and walked through the foyer and down the hall, I reached the living room and I leaned against the archway.

"Thanks kids." I say with a soft smile to them all, they all turned to look at me with a smile of their own. I set the flowers and cards down on the small stand next to the archway and walked into the middle of the living room, I sat down on the floor and the kids all started crawling towards me into a cuddle pile. I turned a movie on and I sat there cuddled up with my kids on the floor watching a movie marathon.


This was longer than I was expecting- anyways-

I'm feeling better now so yea, I don't have the chapters finished for the other stories so take this as my apology. Sorry for cutting Chapter 13 short, I really wasn't in the right mindset when I read that comment and reading it just made it worse. Sorry again.

I'll take breaks when needed so don't worry about me-

If anything, sorry for making a rant at the bottom of the chapter and for cutting it short.

Thanks for reading this if you did and have a wonderful mothers day with your mom or mother figure!

Goodbye my children! ♡

Word count: 1245


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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