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*Ruby's P.O.V*

"So all the rooms being available is rare?" I ask with a small tilt of my head, confused on that.

"Yeah, takes too much power or whatever Grandma G gripes about. That's why she only does it on meeting days like today because they only happen once a year. Unless it's an emergency meeting in which case she'll open them just because she knows that all of us will be a handful with how stressed out most of us would be," Lilah explains, making me nod my head.

"So how many are usually open?" I ask curiously, tilting my head slightly as I am very curious about how many places people can usually go in daycare.

"Usually 8, sometimes 10 to 14 depending on the day. But there is always story time, a playground except never as big as you saw today since she knows too many people will be getting in trouble and a nap room. Those are the big three," Lilah says.

"A nap room?" I ask, my nose wrinkling up at the thought.

"Yeah, it's the worstest room and even Bobby agrees and he never agrees with me. Well sometimes he did if it's about daddy being mean for not getting us new toys when we say pretty please but he's an angel the rest of the time," Lilah says, stopping when she realizes what she had just said and giggles.

"Are your mommy and daddy angels?" I ask, since we're already on the topic of angels now.

"Yeah, which means they're the bossiest of all mommy and daddy's," Lilah says before gasping, seeming to perk up. "We should go to the meeting room," she declares, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"We're not allowed," I say, making her smack herself in the forehead as she rolls her eyes.

"We wouldn't actually be going there, we would be seeing a video but it's one where we can walk around and talk. I can show you my mommy and daddy and you can show me your mommy!" Lilah exclaims, making me perk up.

"We can do that!? Is it like a live stream??" I ask all excitedly.

"Um...maybe? I'm not actually sure...I've never bothered to ask because the grown up meetings are quite boring so I usually fast forward until something cool or funny happens! There was this one time I saw this servant get... and then this other time I watched as this man got in trouble for... and other man... Anyway, we should totally go!" Lilah says, excitedly. At least she tries to say cause the specifics of what she saw seemed to be oddly muted. I mean, I saw her mouth moving but I couldn't hear anything she said and I was too confused on what was happening to try to read her lips.

I can't worry about that too long though as Lilah takes my hand, practically jumping for joy and closes her eyes. Opening them, she looks around confused and closes her eyes again. Again, nothing happens as she opens her eyes so she shuts them even tighter and for even longer.

This time something does happen but I don't think it was an intentional effect. At least if the scowl, crossed arms, and finger tapping are anything to go by. Lilah's jump of fright when she opens her eyes and sees her is also a good indicator of this not being the intended effect.

"Care to explain why I was summoned here, daughter?" The lady asks Lilah in a tone that makes me even gulp.

"No... not really..." Lilah says, letting go of my hand to take a step back from this lady and I can't really blame her because I want to too!

"Do you really want to play that game? Here? In front of...your new friend?" The lady asks, pausing momentarily after looking at me and sounding almost curious in her tone. It's like she only now realized I was there and knows who I am?

"Fine, play this game...Grandma G..." The lady says and I watch as her exasperated look turns to one of pure, icey anger. With a blur of her hand, I miss how she gets a hold of Lilah's ear but I watch as she drags a crying Lilah by the ear away from me.

"Not only did you try to sneak into that room! You tried to do it by bringing someone clearly not allowed! Did you really think we wouldn't find out or actually fall for that in the first place? Not to mention you actually tried to share some of the horrible things you saw in there! Apparently your father's spanking after you shared with Bobby some of what you saw wasn't enough deterrent! Don't worry though, I will not be making that mistake because you will be wishing for that spanking once I'm done with you!" The lady snaps at a begging for forgiveness Lilah before they disappear.

Once they are gone, I can't help but realize how much that lady looked like mama! She looked just like mama but clearly older... and different. I can't really explain how I know but I just do. She clearly isn't mama! Plus, she said she was Lilah's and Bobby's mommy so if she is mommy then she clearly isn't mama cause she's mommy and mommy looks nothing like mama so she can't be my mommy cause my mommy is Zerida. Oh, I guess I could explain it after all.

After a couple seconds of waiting, Lilah's mommy reappears but without Lilah so I give her a questioning and worrying gaze. Did she take Lilah home? Is she not allowed to play with me anymore?

"She's in timeout, dear. She will join us in a bit. The spanking was a long one so we are gone longer than expected. I asked Grandma G to watch over her so we can talk 1 on 1..." The lady says, making me very nervous for some reason.

"But first... your daycare tour... princess Ruby..." The lady says, making my mouth hang open as she actually knows who I am! How does she know who I am!? Did Grandma G tell her?

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