Chapter 117: Ares' Army of Trolls

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"Know that I will kill your god if I have to. Maybe even if I don't."

— The Warrior of Light, (Final Fantasy XIV: Storm Blood)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"Ares! How dare you cross the boundaries of Themyscira on such a holy occasion? You are not even allowed to set foot in the mortal realm, much less the home of us, the Amazons. Return to the gutter you crawled out of, "God of War", or you will soon be facing the might of the Amazons, the same might which banished you to the end of the Earth last time you tried this." Queen Hippolyta yelled in righteous anger as soon as she noticed Ares and his army stepping through the magical portal.

"Queen Hippolyta, you are still alive! I thought that you would have surely been dead by now. But it seems like I was wrong. Well, no worries, we can easily change that. As for me being defeated, one of you insignificant ants might have been able to trick me last time but this time you won't be able to get rid of that easily "Queen" Hahahahaha." Ares laughed loudly before suddenly seeming to remember something. "Oh, and I brought one of your close "acquaintances" with me this time, he is quite excited to be able to play with you again after such a long time, isn't that right, Hercules?" The huge, armored figure of Ares asked in a sarcastic voice before looking at the portal he had just exited.

The moment Ares completed his words, another figure, clad in golden armor exited the portal with a proud and confident grin on his face as if he was waiting in the queue. Despite his impressive muscular physique and moderately handsome face, something about the man just seemed wrong. In simple words, he gave off a strong feeling of a massive Grade-A asshole for some reason.

"It is so good to meet you again, Hippolyta. How are you? Did you miss me, the great Hercules? Or do you still foolishly believe that men like me are not superior to women?" The newly arrived figure confidently mocked the Amazonian Queen with a malicious sneer on his face.

'For some reason, it suddenly feels like I am witnessing an argument between a hardcore misogynist and a devoted radical feminist.' I thought while doing my best not to interrupt their dialogue with some stupid joke.

"By Hera, this is impossible. He is supposed to be dead. How in the name of the Gods is he here?" I could hear Clymene mutter in disbelief. She seemed to have even forgotten about me because of the unique situation that had developed.

Hippolyta on the other hand had suddenly gone silent after noticing Hercules. However, the reason for her silence wasn't because of shock or surprise; judging from her face, it was because of anger. No, the Queen of the Amazons was beyond angry, it looked like the only things going on her mind after noticing Hercules were thoughts of revenge.

She immediately wanted to kill him but was somehow able to stop herself from attacking him at that very moment, calming herself down for the sake of her people. She knew that she needed to act like a Queen, not a resentful woman.

"You released him from the punishment that the Gods subjected him to after what he and his men did to us last time?" Hippolyta's words were as calm as the ocean while she asked her question, yet her voice sounded strangely ominous. "You even partnered with the disgusting disgrace of a demigod like him? Hah! The God of War partnering up with a demigod to defeat a mere Queen? Truly, how the mighty have fallen!" She mocked.

"Only power matters, in the end, Hippolyta, nothing else... Now that I have recovered some of my powers after that Fury sealed them away during our final battle at the end of the world war, I am finally ready to restart my conquest of the mortal world. And for that, I have decided to use this island as my base." Ares made his intentions clear before raising his war axe in the air while signaling his troll army to move forward. "Go and enslave them all. Kill the ones who resist." He commanded with a thundering voice.

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