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Day 7

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Day 7


A Forest

Outskirts of Kurukshetra

Indulekha stumbled.

Her long hair, now messy and open, lay on her back. Her arms, tied up with the yellow cloth, still ached. Her feet, blackened due to the dirt, were swollen up. She drowsily sat down, tired of the journey. No one came to her rescue, and all she could hope was for it to be nighttime soon. She could've used the stars to navigate her way back to the camp.

But the issue was, she was in the middle of the forest.

Where the tall trees stretched up to the sky, blocking her view.

Indu rested her back on the tree with a sigh. The slight buzzing of the fireflies soothed her. She felt her stomach growl, but ignoring that feeling, she stood back up. Her hand clutched the spear, which she had taken from the soldier once her mental breakdown had subsided.

Her feet shook as she stood up, but she wasn't going to let that bother her. She couldn't.

"I heard some sound, Lata,"

Indu heard a man's voice and her head jerked towards the sound. She had gotten into her defending position when she heard a woman's voice reply, "Must be some animal, go check."

There was no way Shakuni had kept a female soldier on the lookout, and neither would've Duryodhan recruited her. Still wary, she stepped back slowly, with her spear pointed to the source of the sound. The sound of the leaves crunching grew closer and closer. Until a man and a woman, dressed in dull clothes, walked in front of her. They peeked out from the bush at her, a flambeau in the man's hand.

"Oh dear, are you fine, child?" The woman, appalled at Indu's, rushed to her. She stumbled back, untrusting of the woman, as she lowered her spear.

"Who, who are you?" Her voice rasped as she spoke, not having said anything in hours. It made her realise, she needed water. She coughed.

Indulekha: The Sister of The Pandavas •  MahabharatWhere stories live. Discover now