1: The Start of Something Beautiful

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This is the start of something beautiful.

This is the start of something new.

You are the one who'd make me lose it all.

You are the start of something new.

I don't understand it. I'm supposed to hate him. Potter should be the bane of my existence... but not for the current reasons. I'm supposed to bring him down a peg (or ten). Honestly, I don't want to.

Have you ever seen that look on his face when he knows he's won? It's... really nice. Really, he's very lovely in general but that little smirk - that little "I've-got-you-now" smirk - I swear, it gets me every time.

But have you ever seen his smile? It's very rare these days but when you see it, when he's laughing and such (oh, especially then!)... Well, he's beautiful. In every sense of the word. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.


And I'll throw it all away

And watch you fall into my arms again

And I'll throw it all away

Watch you fall, now

I dream about him sometimes. His smile, his touch, those beautiful eyes. Sometimes, the object of my dreams is those perfect lips of his. I wonder over what it would be like to kiss him. I dream that he is about to kiss me, our lips mere centimetres away and then...

I don't know. I always wake up then. I want to kiss him, at least in my dreams. I don't like that I want to, but I do.


You are the earth that I will stand upon

You are the words that I will sing

And I've thrown it all away

Watched you fall into his arms again

And I'll throw it all away and watch you fall, now

He's always with that Weasley boy. They're inseparable, I swear. Some part of me just wants to go over and yell, "Potter is mine!" I know I can't do that, though.

If you really think about it, Potter's his and I'll never make him mine. I hope that Weasley boy knows what he's got, because he's got someone really special there.


And take me back

Take me home

Watch me fall down to earth

Take me back, for

This is the start of something beautiful

You are the start of something new

I don't think I'll ever fully understand why he makes the rhythm of my heart stutter, or why the way he says my name - even with that air of pure hatred - excites me. All I'm sure of right now is that I want Potter to be mine.

Slytherins are known for going to any measures to get what they want. Well, I want Potter. And I won't stop until I've got him.

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