5: Dance, Dance

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It was mid-November and the school was buzzing with talk about the Yule Ball coming up. Everyone seemed to be debating over who was asking whom, what to wear, all sorts of pre-ball trifles. Harry Potter was sat at the Gryffindor lunch table with Ron and Hermione, who were going on about their plans for the evening, but he was hardly paying attention. He had his eyes locked on a certain Slytherin boy he'd been hoping would ask him to the ball.

"Harry... Harry!" Ron shook him a bit to get his attention.


"Have you been paying attention at all?"


"Looked like he was a bit busy staring off into space," Hermione said. "Or maybe he was staring at someone."

"What?! I-I was not!" Harry said quickly.

"Oh, come on," Hermione said. "I saw you looking over at the Slytherin table!"

Uh oh, Harry thought. What if she knows?!

"Well," Ron began, "who is it?"

"I'll bet it's Pansy Parkinson. She's the only remotely decent-looking girl in Slytherin." Hermione giggled.

"Hm... Could be, but I doubt he's really got an eye out for anyone on that end of the spectrum." Harry honestly couldn't be bothered to ponder over what Ron had meant by "that end of the spectrum," and allowed his mind to continue its current thread of attentions.

Ron and Hermione continued their discussion of possible Slytherin girls that could be Harry's love interest. Harry's mind, however, had strayed back to the Slytherin table yet again, and he watched as Draco Malfoy got up, catching his eye and dropping him a little wink as he turned to leave the dining hall.

"Sorry, guys," Harry said quickly, getting up to follow Draco. "Gotta go, talk to you later!"


Harry peeked around the corner to be sure the corridor was deserted. He then dashed through it and into the closet he and Draco often met up in. He shut the door quickly behind him and locked it.

Immediately, Harry was pushed against the wall. He nearly melted at the feeling of Draco's lips on his as they kissed slowly, relishing the feeling of Draco's arms wrapping around him to hold him close.

"Dray," Harry began.

"Yes, angel?"

"Not that I don't love our little secret meetings, but why did you want to meet me now, of all times?"

"There's something I, uhm, wanted to ask you..." Draco blushed a bit.

"What is it?"

"Well, you know how the Yule Ball is coming up and all..."

"Yes...," Harry replied, drawing the word out.

"Well, I know you were planning on ditching... But I was hoping maybe you could reconsider... and maybe go with me?" Draco was blushing furiously now and wouldn't meet Harry's eyes.

"Merlin, Draco, you're such a dork!" Harry laughed, smiling brightly.


"We've been together nearly six months and you still can't ask me out properly!"

"Well, I'm terribly sorry, sir! But is that a yes?"

"Of course it's a yes, idiot." Harry smiled and kissed Draco gently. "I love you, Malfoy."

"I love you, too, Potter."

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