Chapter 24

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Jayda's POV

Today I woke up extra early, We were meeting the new pack member but before that I wanted to see Ellie and tell her the news and hang out with her for a while.

The new pack member would be arriving at 9am and it was 6 in the morning so I still had time.

I had a quick breakfast with Maddox who decided he would cook for me again then skipped happily to Ellie and Kyle's house.

I knocked loudly multiple times until Kyle opened the door.

"Morning Jayda, Why are you here?" He says rubbing his eyes.

I smile "Good morning and I came here to talk to my best friend."

"Oh well come in, she is sleeping though" Kyle says stepping aside for me to walk in.

"Oh well I'll wait here while you wake her up" I say sitting down on the sofa.

He quickly shakes his head "Hell no, you go wake her up. I learned the hard way not to wake Ellie up, I don't want to be in the dog house again."

I roll my eyes but nod in understanding, nobody gets in between Ellie and her sleep. Except me of course, I get a kick out of waking her up.

"I'm going to eat" Kyle says and leaves me to wake up the beast, AKA his mate and my best friend.

I stand up and slowly tip toe towards Ellie's room.

As soon as I close enough I jump on the bed and push her off, taking a few steps back so she doesn't kill me.

"What the actual fuck? I swear I will kill you Kyle. No more sex for a whole year" Ellie yells from the top of her lungs, still trying to untangle herself from the blankets.

When she is finally free she scowls at me. "I want to hurt you so bad but I don't do it in fear of Maddox brutally killing me"

I grin "Maddox would probably do that"

Rolling her eyes she throws a pillow my way which ends up hitting me square in the face.

I burst out laughing "Are you done?"

She glares "No" then throws me another pillow that I dodge.

"C'mon I need to talk to you about something" I say while laughing down completely on the bed.

She straightens up quickly "I have to tell you something too"

I instantly get excited, is she pregnant too?

"You first" we both say in unison the burst out laughing.

"Let's say it at the same time then?" I suggest, already mentally planning her baby and mine's wedding.

"Yeah, on three" Ellie says, her voice nervous.

I hold my fingers up and on the count of three we both say

"I'm pregnant"

"I'm moving away with Kyle"

We both freeze. A grin takes over Ellie's face while My eyes fill up with tears.

"You are pregnant?" She exclaims at the same time I say "You are leaving?"

She sighs "I am, Kyle has never been one to stay in one place and I want to travel with him. See the world, I want to explore"

I engulf her in a tight hug "I don't want you to go Eli. You are my best friend. My sister" I start sobbing, my tears staining her shirt.

Ellie rubs my back soothingly "We will still talk Jay, plus we can FaceTime or something. I swear we will not loss contact. We will always be the best friends ever, just a little farther away from each other" her voice breaks at the end and she hugs me tighter.

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