Teach me how to kill

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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you guys know I've officially started writing again and slowly but surely I will continue my unfinished stories buuuuuuuut for now, I just posted a new story tittled 'Teach me how to kill' here's the first chapter! If you do happen to like it and want to Read more go on my profile and search for Teach me how to kill or use this link and add it to your library! https://my.w.tt/UiNb/8OPixNac0G



Calliope Evans was nineteen years old when her sister was brutally murdered in her home; beaten and stabbed.

The murder had gone unsolved, nobody knew who killed Harmony Evans and nobody truly cared. There was nothing special about a wannabe journalist.

Now twenty-six Calliope is engaged with a steady career, she thinks she's moved on but everything goes down the drain when she receives letters from an anonymous source telling her the truth about her sister's murder, now with a thirst for revenge she comes up with a plan to make everyone involved pay. But to do so she will need to pair up with some very untrustworthy people who may or may not stab her in the back.



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Chapter one.

Calliope Evan's Point of view.

     You don't expect a lucid 26 year old to suddenly quit her job and break off  her two year engagement with the man who loves her, five months before the wedding.

And you sure as hell don't expect her to move to another state to recruit criminals to help her get revenge.

But then again, you didn't find your older sister dead in a pool of her own blood on her kitchen floor with an almost unrecognizable face after being brutally beaten and stabbed. You didn't feel the helplessness I felt as years passed with no justice being served, you didn't have to pretend you were happy while you felt nothing but anger and thirst for vengeance.

You aren't me.

"What do you mean you're leaving? Where are you going?" Brett asks, his blue eyes burn holes into mine.

I look away, not being to look at him as I break his heart. "Away, I need time for myself."

Brett softly grabs my chin and turns my gaze back to his sad one "You can't just leave without any actual explanation, Callie please; we can work this out, together we—"

Ignoring my guilt I decide to cut Brett off.

"Yes I can, look Brett I am so extremely sorry I am breaking things off so close to the wedding and I will pay for all of the cancellation fees but I need to do this. I need some time alone" I try to show some sort of sadness as I speak but truth is I never really loved him, how could I? I'm too emotionally unattached so all I could express was the guilt of hurting someone whom had been so good to me when I needed someone the most.

"So you will come back?" His tone is hopeful and I decide that it is best to just tell him what he wants to hear.

"Yes" I lie.

If I succeed in what I'm planning to do I will never be able to come back home. It would not only put me in danger but Brett and all of my family.

He nods with a sorrowful smile "Take all the time you need"

I smile back at him "I will"

"So, when are you leaving?"

Checking the time on my phone, I sigh "Right about now"

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