Hunting: Chapter 1

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This chapter is deicated to ForeverandAlwaysx3 :)

She designed the AWESOME cover on the side :) 

Thanks yous :)


 Chapter one


New York City Suburbs

 It’s been years since I last saw my family. Last I remember of them was that they were fighting downstairs in the kitchen while me and my sister slept upstairs in our room. I couldn’t sleep though, I could still hear them shouting. I remember wishing that I wasn’t in the house... that I was away from them... away from the fighting.

I wished I could go to the farm that we grew up on, me and my sister. We were happy there. I remember crying myself to sleep for so many nights because I was so tired of everything that was happening to our family since we moved here. Dad taking to alcohol, mom always out of the house, Katie and I being scared all of the time.

 One night, Dad drank a lot more than usual and ended up shouting at Katie and throwing his bottle of beer at her. Thankfully it missed her and shattered on the wall behind her, but she was so frightened and shocked she just couldn’t move. I was in the kitchen and saw it all. Dads enraged face, Katie standing there with utter fear in her eyes as she stood frozen on the spot. After that incident I went to the fridge and grabbed another beer for our father. As I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room I walked past him towards Katie, handing him his beer in the processes. He looked back at us then with clear disgust in his eyes.

 ‘Get outta’ my sight, the both of ya’s.’ That’s what he said as he downed the bottle of beer I had handed to him seconds ago. 

At that I grabbed Katie’s hand and ran up the stairs with her fallowing suite. When we reached the room, I bolted the doors locked; mom had gotten us the bolts when dad first started drinking, warning us to always lock the door at bed time or any other time that he was angry. This was before she stopped being our mom and never came home, leaving me and Katie to fend for ourselves at such a young age

When I had finished bolting the doors shut, Katie was sitting on her bed crying her eyes out. It broke my heart but all I could do was hug her, to try and stop the tears from falling. Trying to give her some form of support, not that I could do much for her that is. She was only 5 years old and she's already had enough stress to do her a life time. I just held her tighter reassuring her we would escape back to peace one day.

 That night she cried herself to sleep, sobbing that she wanted to go home. That she wanted her Aunt Gabby and Uncle Mike to come and take us away from here. I also wished that our kind aunt and uncle would come to our rescue but I, being the older sibling, knew that it would never happen.

 Eventually, Katie quietened down enough to fall asleep. After some time I, too, began to fall into sleep. The only thing I could hear was the muffled voices from below.

 That night I had a dream that we were happy, living in our house in the city, the one Katie and I could actually call home. We were watching some movies with mom and dad in the living room. It was a comedy and we were all snuggled up on the sofa with popcorn and our drinks in hand. It was warm. The fire was blazing in the fire place. The sound of the furl crackling kept on getting louder until it was over powering the sound of the TV and even our own laughter. Soon everything was on fire, the floor, the walls, everything except for us on the sofa. We were all still laughing, looking as happy as can be. Then I heard screaming, but it wasn’t from my dream.

I was jolted awake by the sound of screaming from downstairs, screams from our mother and father. Our room was covered in smoke, trickling in from the openings in our door. The room was also hot; I noticed that I was sweating bullets. At the same time the fire started to run along the carpet of our room, in small lines of flames ready to attach onto anything flammable.

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