chapter 8

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The dare and the fight

a week had gone past an currently me and maria was sat in the dinner hall around a table eating fish n chips " emma " " what?" I replied " I have a dare for you" I raised my eyebrow for her to continue " I want you to make jake fall for you play him " she said with a smirk " what ?" An with that I bursted out laughing so much " you heard me an it was a dare so you have to " she said here's the thing I have never backed out of a dare an hopefully never do an maria know that so she did this on purpose " fine but I dare you to stand on Jakes table an act like your ganna strip but once you have their full attention scream at them " I said with a smirk " challenge accepted" she said proudly an went to Jakes table

She stood up on the table an the boys were staring at her she had most if the dining halls attention an slowly slowly she took her top of leaving her in a bra and her pants that wasn't part of the deal but okay she was acting as if she was taking her pants of until she screamed she jumped of the table put her top back on an acted as if nothing had just happed

"Now my dear best friend your turn to do the dare " she said with a wink we both got up an went to the guys table their was only enough room for one person so maria took the spot an I sat in Jakes lap " hey you guys don't mind if we join you? " I didn't listen to their response because I had pulled my phone out

I had a text * I know where over but maybe if we could give it another shot dating I mean * Taylor XXX* I sighed when will this boy ever give up? I realised jake was looking over my shoulder at my phone I closed the text " I and saw it already" jake said " and...? " " just saying you don't have to hide it I have already seen it" "hiding what" I said irritatedly "" nothing" he mumbled

Bell went but I didn't make a move to get up " are you going to get up? " he asked " nope I like it here " I replied with a smirk " well looks like you asked for it "an with that he had lifted me up and was carrying me bridal style " can I get down now" I asked " no I like it here " ugh " can you put me down " I asked seriously an he put me down " maria what's our lesson " she didn't answer I turned around what where is she ? " where's maria?" " she went with William they have their lesson together " I just nodded " well guess who's joining you In your class?" He just shook his head

I was running down the corridors the directions jake game me straight ahead second left go straight first left an third right at least that's what I think he said am running down corridors an screaming my head off an I barged into a room " hello my fellow class mates " " why are you late ms emma? " the teacher asked moodily " jake gave me the wrong directions " muhahha all the blame on him as soon as I said that he appears right behind me " okay take a seat both of you and jake I will like to see you at the end please " he just nodded

" today we will be learning about photosynthesis " that was the last thing I heard before I put my ear phones in I was texting maria well I was until my ear phones got yanked out of my ear " excuse me where you listening to me " she said angrily " how dare you listen to music whilst am teaching " " well how dare you teach whilst am listening to music " I smirked at her " get out now" she screamed " my pleasure " I said an bowed my head

I walked out an decided on walking around I could hear noises in the storage room I just ignored it must be the cleaners hopefully yass I found a vending machine I took £2 out an got twirl ( chocolate ) an some prawn cocktail flavoured crisps then I realized a no students aloud sign oh well I put the chocolate in my bag an started eating my crisp's

" your just a nobody you shouldn't even be on this earth some as useless as you should die " I heard voices from around the corner " fucking die don't you get it nobody likes you your just a stupid fucking outcast " a jock who was in my year was towering over a boy I couldn't see him because of the jock here's one thing I hate to fucking bits how dare someone else bullying someone an act like their fucking perfect and everything this got my blood boiling my hands had dropped my things an turned into fists

" let go of him " I demanded " an who are you? " " your worst nightmare " I replied deadly serious " now let go of him or else " " or else what ? You going to call your boyfriend to save you ? Run along " " or else this " an with that I had punched him square in the jaw an punched him in the nose ' react before reaction ' that's what I always thought myself I punched him in the gut nocking his air out an he fell to the floor I bent down an pulled him by his hair so he would look at me " if I ever hear you bullying someone than this will be ten times worse " than I realised bell had gone an I had made a scene I helped the boy up an he thanked me an went somewhere " your a bitch you fucking know that " he said blood dripping from his nose " yep I do "

William came out of no where an grabbed me an he guided me out side to where the rest of the boys were an Maria " we all saw the fight " maria said I just nodded I was still so angry I needed to cool off or their would be round two Jake was staring at me like he was trying to figure something out I signed an ran hand trough my hair probably messing it up their was this long awkward silence of everyone looking at me well that was until " babbeh " yep until Becky came she came to jake an hugged him but he just shrugged her off " babe what's wrong are you okay? She better not have done something " she said pointing at me

" she has a fucking name " I took steps closer to her " an what would I have done to him? " I took another step " maybe that annoying voice of yours has given him a headache because I sure do have one " I stopped when I was right in front of her she stayed quite " though so " I pushed her back an walked off " leave her she'll just get even more angry if you go after her " I heard maria say an was she right I went round the back of our school the so called out of bonds area an sat down on the wall

I trew everything out of my bag till I found what I was looking for my cigarettes and my lighter I put the lighter to my lips an lit it up I found that it calms me down when am really pissed Maria doesn't smoke but I do an no am not addicted an am not a druggie I closed my eyes and listened carefully I heard the wind flying past my ear I heard teachers teaching I bird the birds tweeting an just relaxed like everything was fine

I heard footsteps but I still kept my eyes closed until they stopped I opened my eyes expecting to see Maria but it was jake " you okay? " he asked cautiously like I was a bomb that would explode " am fine " I said blankly I had to build all my walls backup I was going soft that's not me he took a seat next to me on the wall " what was that all about ? " he asked " nothing " I said " you sure because beating a jock up an having a go at Becky was nothing " he said " yep it was nothing so just drop it " venom dripped from my words he looked hurt but where not best friends that I should be telling him everything that happens in my life

I trew my cigarette on the floor an bell went indicating the end of school so I jumped of the wall an walked around to the front of school I knew Jake was following behind me but he stayed quite I kept my face blank I got onto my bike an looked around for maria she must of gone so I drove home Rachel wasn't here she had left a note I will be gone all day an will be back by tomorrow I made you some lasagna in the oven heat it up when your hungry I put some lasagna into a plate and heated i up I put some Pepsi In a cup an ate my food I put my dishes in the sink an went to my room

I know this chapter is so small but that's just how I like it hope you enjoyed reading chapter 6 an thanks for reading

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