3: Back to Normal

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I finally had my first bath and it was extremely uncomfortable. Some servants (I'm calling them that because that's the best term I can come up with for them. It's a little harsh, but what can I do?) put me in an old fashioned bathtub that had no water knobs. That only meant one thing, and I found out that one thing when a bucket of water was dropped onto my head. Not only that, but I was also bathed in milk and honey. Flowers and oils were thrown into the tub as well. The servants scrubbed the milk and honey mixture into my skin, and it was warm causing my skin to get a blushing glow. I didn't know if I should take the bath as an offense since I hadn't bathed in days. Were they trying to say I stunk? But then again, Franz thought of me as some sort of special being so maybe it was just a bath full of creep vampire affection.

However, the most disturbing thing about the experience was the fact that of all the people that Franz could have chosen to wash me, it had to be Dr. Baumer. Apparently his doctoral experience meant that he was the most comfortable person to bathe with. He scrubbed me from top to bottom and to be completely honest, I was way too scared to fight with him.

I mean, Heinz was the standoff-ish brooding type. Maybe. Well, he was quiet and that's all that mattered. Plus, I still didn't know what kind of creature he was. Here grope me not everyone here was a vampire but that's all I was seeing. Heinz only really conversed with me the day I re-arrived, and that was only to save his own ass.

So now I was sitting in this stupid bed with these stupid gargoyles on their stupid little pedestals staring at me. A plate of scrambled eggs and toast sat on my lap in a decadent China plate. Jeremy was with me today sucking the life out of a Juicy Juice box. When the box resembled an apple eaten to the core, Jeremy reached in the carton and took out a new one. After he had smashed a straw through it I decided to ask him a question.

"So do werewolves exist too?"

He paused mid-suck and looked up at me from the boxed juice. "Yeah." He replied after he detached his mouth from the straw.

That pulled me out of my daze a little. "Are vampires and werewolves really enemies?" I asked.

Jeremy seemed to think more about the answer he was going to give. "Not really. We fight a little, but not exclusively because we're different species. It's more like, because we're both territorial we fight a lot." Then he went back to sucking.

I licked my lips and then ate more eggs. "Are there any in the gang?"

"Listen Baze," Jeremy said stiffly, "We don't- werewolves-" he sighed grumpily, "Franz has two sons that are part werewolf. If you end up meeting them, they'll be the last thing you ever see."

Two sons that were part werewolf? More importantly, two sons? That meant that at some point Franz was sexually involved with someone, which in of itself wasn't surprising. What was actually surprising was that he had children with someone. My face took on a disgusted expression. "Well, where are they?"

Jeremy sucked his drink thoughtfully, "I believe they're on a trip with Wilhelmus. I'm not sure what for. Probably a hit." And then he shrugged.

Who is Wilhelmus? I decided to keep that question for myself. I'd probably meet him eventually anyway. Wait. Fuck that. Shit. I'm already thinking as if I'm going to live out the rest of my days here. What's happening to me? Is this what Stockholm syndrome is? Does it usually happen this fast?

"Anyway, not only are they like his sons, but they act as his personal body guards." Jeremy continued.

I quirked my eyebrow, being brought back into the conversation. "I thought Heinz was."

Jeremy made a disgusted face, "Heinz wouldn't fight a fly. He's the Chief Banker."

I highly doubted Heinz wouldn't hurt a fly. There was something off about him and I was going keep my eye on him. "What's the Chief Banker do?"

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