9: Knowledge is Power

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I dragged my hands down my face in frustration. These last few days have brought me more headaches than I cared to have. I was sitting at my desk in the music class for lunch. I glared at the computer screen before me as Google's search results came up. I easily had a billion tabs open, and about five YouTube videos on the supernatural paused. I was spending my lunch break looking up as much as I could. The school library proved to be fruitless as everything wasn't as extensive as I wanted it. For that I would have to go to the local library. So far, Google has been my best friend in this matter, but it has also been way less fulfilling.

The fact of the matter was that I was still confused!

Most of the information the Internet was providing me, I wasn't too sure about. For instance, there was collective agreement on the fact that vampires couldn't go into the sun. I'd seen Franz do that multiple times, with rolled up sleeves and the likes. There was also heavy agreement to the fact that vampires were not actually living, but Franz said that they were and well gee, I mean, if a vampire says they are then why the hell should I listen to the Internet?

Suddenly two bags dropped in front of me and I nearly flew from my seat, but not before I could completely exit out of Google Chrome.

The twins both looked at me with amused expressions.

"Watching porn maman?" Zweist asked jokingly before annoyingly dragging two chairs across the floor for him and his brother to sit in.

I glared at him, "Aren't you supposed to be in the cafeteria?" I asked with hostility, still rattled by their appearance.

Erste shrugged, "We thought we might as well catch up with you. We don't see you very much."

I could agree with that. I had been so busy doing research that I didn't even open my own lunch. We all opened our packs together. Don't let their brown bags fool you. Although they appeared to look like regular brown paper bags, Erste's was suede and Zweist's was leather. A gift from their father probably. Mine was a regular tin box with a handle. It was one of the many personal items I brought with me from my apartment.

"So what were you looking up?" Zweist asked as he brought out a giant sandwich. It was loaded in between two thick pieces of baguette bread. I wasn't sure if they were using that exclusively since they were French, or if it was because baguette bread is actually widely sold in the States. It was probably the later though.

I couldn't decide if I actually wanted to answer them. Although we were pretty open with each other, part of me felt weird about doing all this research on werewolves and vampires. "Um..." I muttered.

Seeing the weird look on my face, Zweist gawked. "You weren't really watching porn were you?" He asked with disbelief.

Erste jabbed him, "Of course he wasn't."

Zweist growled menacingly at his brother and before they could start bickering I said, "Boys stop it." Then I sighed, "No, I wasn't watching porn. I was just... Doing something I didn't want anyone to see..." I said cryptically. It didn't make me seem any more innocent.

They both looked at me with interest before Zweist decided to cram his sandwich into his face. Erste on the other hand was eating what looked like cake, which was interesting because I didn't know he had a sweet tooth.

"Is that all you're going to eat for lunch?" I asked him, after taking out my lunch which was just cooked corned beef and rice. I ate whatever Heinz gave me in the classroom. Heinz usually gave me a pretty good lunch: some of whatever was left over from the fancy dinner, and I didn't know how I felt about that considering it was like a hand-me down. Weren't they rich enough to just make me a brand new meal for lunch? Anyway, it was free food so beggars can't be choosers. That was another thing, since leaving my apartment and whatnot, I've had a lot more money than I was used to having. I mean, it's certainly not a lot, but it was enough. But today, I specifically asked Heinz to make this because I was craving something I was familiar with. He was kind enough to also pack a large loaf of corn bread.

Hush (ManxMan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon