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"Good afternoon, young people of Earth and Atlantis," Commander Resoi says. "The regretful situation of last night has been resolved, and the terrorist factions are in custody. In the next months, they will be further investigated and tried for their criminal activity. In the meantime I grieve with all of you for the great loss of lives, especially at a time such as now when every human life means so much to all of us.

"I want you to be secure in the knowledge that none of this will happen again. For as long as you are in my Fleet under my protection, you have my promise, and the promise of the Atlantis Central Agency, and the Imperator Himself, that your lives, and the precious lives of everyone undergoing this journey are safe.

"You, children of Earth, are safe from harm. And your continued presence on these Ark-Ships will from now on will be a positive time of learning, fruitful effort, and mutual cooperation between the crew and the welcome refugees."

Commander Manakteon Resoi pauses, allowing the meaning to sink in. And then he continues. "Today is the third day of your formal duties in the Fleet. To mark the occasion of your entry into the life and routine of Atlantis, I designate a formal Celebration Day in three days from now—it will approximately mark the time during which we will be leaving the heliosphere of your solar system and entering interstellar space. As the Fleet moves through the Oort Cloud, on this first calendar month of Blue, the Blue Quadrants on each ship will host a Zero Gravity Dance. You will learn more about this joyous event from your commanding officers, and you will at last have the opportunity to experience a true ancient tradition of Atlantis."

The Commander's speech ends.

Gennio and Anu glance curiously at the CP who sits at his desk, to gauge his reaction. But Aeson Kassiopei is silent, grave and thoughtful.

"This is good, isn't it?" I say at last. I remember the excited big deal my Culture Instructor had made about this Zero-G Dance stuff. I'm definitely curious to learn more, even though I likely won't be taking part.

Because yeah, in case it's unclear, Gwen Lark the Dork does not dance, doesn't know how to dance, and doesn't want to know.

Instantly I'm reminded of the essence of living hell that is high school dances, and the horrible lonely wallflower experience I've had during the few that I've regretfully attended at Mapleroad Jackson High, back in Vermont—mostly by force, due to the evil machinations of my best friend Ann Finnbar.

So, yes, normal teen dances are the worst atrocity perpetrated upon klutzy nerds like me. But Gwen the Dork (still speaking of herself in third person) is more than fascinated by the physics and mechanics of this space version of the thing. I mean, zero gravity dancing, wow!

As I think all this, Aeson Kassiopei gets up and turns off the nearest monitor. "I am heading to dinner," he says coldly.

"No gym?" Anu asks.

"Not today."

And the CP exits the office.

"Well, he's in a bad mood," Anu mutters, glancing at us as the door closes.

"Why?" I ask.

Gennio looks at me. "I think the CP feels this is poor timing. Dancing is frivolous, and we've just had a tragedy. So much still going on. All that recovery work left to do."

"Besides, he's never been a fan of dances, especially since he has to deal with all that crap at the Imperial Court. He really hates dancing," Anu says with a snort. "He has to dance with all those court ladies who throw themselves at him."

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