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Author's note:

If you have not read my previous story Fight Me, you will be awfully confused. Please read that book first and I apologize if it causes you any trouble. However, if you wish to continue, just know that you will be confused at times as this story explores the past and present of our protagonists, who we met in Fight Me.


"I hold the world but as the world...A stage where man must play a part, And mine is a sad one."

-The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare


I let my brother hold me as my body shakes violently and my eyes sting, even though they no longer shed tears.

"It's going to be alright, Ava. I promise it's going to be alright." He whispers against my head.

But I know he's lying.

It's not going to be alright.

I look at the floor, where his body has been covered with a white blanket, but it doesn't cover the blood.

Not the blood.

It rushes down the sidewalk. A crimson river that keeps growing, keep flowing down its imperfect path as if to torture me.

Even dead he is still torturing me.

Then I look at the cruiser, where they have the man I love in handcuffs.

He shouldn't be there.

He looks at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. With his eyes he tells me it will all be okay, that it's over.

That tomorrow the sun will rise once again.

I love it when he tells me that, but not today. Today it's just a lie.

One that I want to believe.

"Ava, look at me. Just look at me, please." My brother says, trying to my front to his, but I won't let him. "Please just look at me. Or talk to me. Please, please talk to me." He begs, as the cruiser drives away and my eyes no longer meet Daniel's.

I sob, my legs going weak. Nova successfully turns me around and supports my weight keeping his arms around me. My entire body hurts and I feel the blood that rushed out of my nose dry and sticky against my lips.

My lips are also busted and my mouth tastes of blood, something I've grown accustomed to.

My eyes focus on his concerned face, meeting his blue eyes.

Eyes so like mine; eyes that always bring me serenity, peace, tranquility.

I shiver, the morning's breeze chilling me to my very bones. I wear nothing but a torn tank top and underwear.

"God, Ava." He says, tears threating to spill from his own eyes. He takes my face in, my bruised and underdressed body. "What did he do to you?" He voice breaks along with another piece of me.

"He killed me, Nova. He might be the one lying there, but he killed me."

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