Chapter 1

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"What should I order?" I asked Nicole, a girl I had met at my new school, as we stood in the longest line I had ever seen. At a coffee place anyways.

She was also a freshman, so it was nice to find her. Because she wanted to talk to me

My brother, Nova wasn't as awkward as I was. He quickly found people to talk to and when he mentioned I was his twin, only then were the people he met interested in me.

Nicole wasn't like that.

"You should get a frappuccino. That's what I want. It's really good. You've never had coffee here?" I shook my head at her. Her big brown eyes got even bigger.

"My brother and I don't go out much so we don't really get coffee anywhere. Plus, we just moved here a week ago. This is the first time our uncle has let us go out by ourselves." I said, my embarrassment making my eyes wander. I froze when I saw the cute guy behind the counter.

The cutest, most angelical looking boy I had ever seen.

He was looking straight at me!

His brown eyes were so beautiful. And God, so was his face

He had strong, masculine features even though he looked about my age.

He smiled at me before turning to the customer in front of him.

"Avalon?" Nicole called, shaking my shoulder and bringing me back from the trance. I looked at her and took s breath.

"Call me Ava." She nodded, looking at the boy I had just looked at. She grinned a knowing grin. "Were you saying something?" I asked her.

"Nothing important, but you were totally checking him out, weren't you?" I felt my face heat as I fixed my gaze on the floor.

"No." I answered quickly. "This line is too long. I can't do it." I added, quickly to change the subject. She nodded, looking at all the heads in front of us.

"Yeah, if only we could cut." She whispered, looking around, making her straight, short hair move around her face.

"We can." I said before winking at her confused face. I moved and looked at the first lady in front of me.

"Hey, do you think I could cut in front of you? I really need to get to my aunt. She's ill and I need to get her her favorite coffee. I don't want to leave her waiting in the car for too long." I told her putting on a saddened face. She nodded with a sympathetic look.

I did this to everyone until I got to the counter, Nicole at my heels.

"Weren't you way over there just a few minutes ago?" The very, very cute boy asked me. His light brown hair was swept to one side already when he ran his fingers through it. I had the unshakeable feeling to touch it.

He's perfect.

"I was, but I'm in a hurry. See, my aunt is ill and waiting in the car. I can't make her wait too long." His pretty, dark eyes widened and he nodded.

"Well, what can I get you?" He asked, looking between me and Nicole, who looked pointedly at her shoes trying not to laugh. I was taken aback by his voice. He sounded masculine, yet boyish. Deep and soft.

"What would Aunt want, Nicole?" I asked her, making her look up at me and then at the boy.

"Just get us two grande 5 pump caramel frappuccinos, please." She ordered expertly, like she had said this a thousand times. He smiled, grabbing two clear cups and writing on them.

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