Stuck in a lift with one direction - Chapter 23

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ok, some of you thought the horse was wierd but please trust me, it has relevance in the rest of the story :) xXxCazzaxXx


3 years later

Louis' P.O.V

ok, so as much as chloe might have annoyed me i really miss her now, its been 3 years! 3 long years without our dear chloe. if she kept the baby it would have been born ages ago and hopefully growing happy and healthy. brianna, ashley and alexa have continued to support us and watch all our concerts which is good.

me, harry, liam, niall and zayn ran off stage after bowing and waving at the audience. we had just finished yet another concert. They are all nice but i do wish i had chloe here, all the others still miss her and harry was terrible at first but now they've all moved on. it almost feels like im the only one that hasnt given up on the fact that one day, any day, she will return and we will be a family again. We were greeted by the girls, towels and bottles of water. we wiped off all the sweat and drank thirstily. we all slowly walked backstage, all the girls had become part of our touring team when they split up, ashley walked over to me

ashley - right, you have 30 minutes to get changed and sorted then you have to go to a meet and greet

louis - oh, i love it when you talk to me about business

she smiled and kissed my cheek

ashley - yeah whatever, just go get sorted

alexa had become our clothes designer, which meant anything anyone saw us wearing was chosen by her, she ran up next to me

alexa - your clothes are all laid out in your dressing room

i smiled and nodded. i faced the rest of the boys

louis - lets go get ready then

they all smiled and nodded, we all rushed off, somehow pulling the girls along with us. we reached the stairs, we had three flights of stairs, we were about to start them when they all sat down on the floor. we looked down at them confused

niall - err... girls, what are you doing?

they all pointed to their shoes. they had big heels that harry tryed on once and instantly fell over.

ashley - im not moving

louis - take them off

alexa - feet will get cold touching the floor

zayn - we'll carry you

brianna - no you wont

a few months after chloe left the doctors rang asking if brianna would go in for an operation, she went and we nearly lost her but she fought through it and is on a slow road to recovery. yes, as you can guess as soon as she found out she instantly wanted to do things for herself again. so ever since then she has refused lifts, she'll walk, she has refused piggybacks, she'll run, she has refused ordering food, she'll cook for herself and nearly burn the kitchen down. we all sighed

harry - well theres lifts over there

they stood up

ashley - good, lets go then

we all walked over to them and liam pushed the button. the doors slid open, usually people would have taken this time to enter them but we all stood still. the last time any of us went into one we all met each other. the last time we had chloe. we all slowly walked in and niall pushed the button, the doors slid together. a few seconds later we stopped, we looked at each other confused

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