Letter 13

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FEBRUARY 10th, 2014

Dear James,

We've known each other for almost two years now and in that time you've come to be a good friend. You might not know this but you're very dear to me, James, so close to my heart that the drumming beat must have deafened you long ago. Despite all this, I do think you're a pest. I'm always thinking about you.

Last night, as I shoved my clothes into the washing machine, I heard Breakfast at Tiffany's by Deep Blue Something playing in the living room and I had sudden flash of you. Sitting in the common room with earphones in as you mumbled along to the song. I watched you for a while, your fingers tapping your knee and your head bobbing ever so slightly. It was such an endearing image, it had the corners of my mouth pulling up into a wide grin. You're the most endearing thing, James.

I thought of you again today in third period Politics (a subject you should be thankful you didn't take). Mr Medeiros was showing the class a PowerPoint on utopian socialism but I wasn't paying attention. I was staring out of the window, at the spring blue sky that made me think of a picture of you. You'd posted it on your Facebook last year, when you went to Greece in the summer holidays. You had been surrounded by clear blue skies and sun, sand and sea. You were lounging on a deck chair with your hands clasped behind your back and that lazy grin on gracing your handsome features. Your eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses but I could tell they were half squinting in that way when you're close to laughing. It was the first time I'd seen you topless and I'd noted with a slightly parted mouth that you had a very nice body. Broad shoulders and tanned, sun-kissed skin. You were gorgeous.

I think of you when I walk past a field of tulips or see a bird fluttering in the trees or hear the sound of rain outside my window because you once told me spring was your favourite season. Everything is new and beautiful and coming to life after harsh seasons. I think of you when I'm laughing because I hope you're watching and falling in love with my laugh too. I think of you when I lie in bed and wonder what it would be like to fall asleep in your arms. I think of you when I'm walking to school and wishing you were by my side. I think of you when I'm biting into a slice of mango and I wonder if your lips would taste just as sweet.

I keep thinking of you and it's maddening, James.

It's maddening to have you in my head all the time, you're a broken record that keeps replaying. It's a song I've heard a thousand times before and it's a song I won't mind hearing another thousand.

Love, Morgana.

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