5. Nights at Ambler

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My mega-dose of inspiration lasted through barre work. As soon as I joined everyone in the middle of the room for center, Jordyn made a point of moving away from me, and I didn't dare say anything because of how close Mrs. Ava was standing to us.

Maybe I was paranoid, but the Clique watched me extra closely during center. I saw their eyes trailing my movements, and it sent chills up and down my spine. Chills that didn't help me at all when it came to the turning combination.

Class sucked again. Shocker. I'd really have to learn to control my nerves if I wanted to get any better. Paige had wormed her way under my skin, which was exactly what she wanted.

But what Paige did not want was for Riley to approach me after class, which is exactly what he did. He followed me back into the dressing room and stood beside me as I took off my pointe shoes and wrapped them up in their ribbons.

"Hey," he said, once I'd stuffed them in my bag, "looking forward to rehearsals?"

Wednesday night was a huge Nutcracker rehearsal night. In half an hour, he and Paige would have practice for the prince and Clara, and I'd go to my snow/flowers rehearsal. Sometimes Paige poked her head in Studio C to watch us, as if she wanted to make sure we were up to her standard.

But all this paled in comparison to the fact that Riley was talking to me. Again. Did he not understand Being Friends (or More) with Paige 101? She'd have my head for this. His too, unless he could avoid punishment with another winning smile and easy shrug of his shoulders. She'd probably let him off the hook, easy as pie.

I realized an awkward silence was forming. "Yeah," I said, pulling a protein bar out of my bag. "Hopefully Mrs. Princeton won't kick me out."

"I'm serious. It's just a stupid rumor Paige made up."

At least he acknowledged her indecency.

"I don't know why she's so cruel to you," he continued. "I get that she's a diva, but she usually isn't this bad."

"Why are you friends with her? If she's this terrible?"

Riley leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "We've danced together for a while. Paige, Lauren, and I all started at Ambler the same year. We were instant friends. It's kind of stuck. They've been there for me through some tough times."

Paige was definitely the kind of person you wanted on your side during tough times. She didn't seem afraid of anything.

"You know she likes you, right?"

Riley's eyes widened at the instant I realized the implications of what I'd just said. This was not the kind of rumor I wanted spreading around Ambler. Paige really would murder as soon as she figured out I started it.

Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut?

Fortunately for me, Riley was better at dancing around tricky situations. "Who wouldn't?" he teased, pulling his water out of his black duffel bag. "What's not to like?"

"Maybe the arrogance, for starters," I joked. He'd thrown me a lifeline and I had to grab it.

"What arrogance?"

"And the flirtiness?"

He pressed a hand to his heart. "Me, a flirt? Where would you ever get that?"


Riley's head swiveled to see Paige sitting in her normal throne on the bench. "Finn wants to talk to you about choreo. He's in Studio B."

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