12. Explosion

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Paige was crying.

Since when did Paige cry? Younger dancers cried when Mrs. Princeton snapped at them. Girls cried when Paige bullied them to the point of tears. But Paige never did. It was the absolute of my career at Ambler. Anything could happen, but Paige Mazor would never cry.

Except she was. First one tear and then another, slipping silently down her cheek. I didn't know what to do or say. The room was quiet, everyone dumbstruck, while she stood there swiping at her cheeks.

"You're wrong," she finally hissed, blotting away the final tear. "You don't get me. No shocker there. I'm sure that's what you want to think of me. The truth is I'm just better than you."

"Hey, Paige." Riley took her arm, trying to tug her away. "Why don't you just go back to the dressing room and calm down, okay? Class is starting in a few minutes anyway."

"Why should I have to leave? Make Ever leave."

"You're the one crying. Don't you think you just need some time to yourself?"

"I'm not crying," she snapped. Her skin was dry now, the only sign of her tears a trail of dried-up water down one cheek.

"Just take a few minutes."

"Whose side are you on? You haven't helped me at all. In fact, you've made things worse."

Riley raked his hand through his jet-black hair. "Paige, I just really don't like how you're treating people lately. I'm not going to stick up for you when you're acting like this."

"Everyone has bad days." She sniffed, betraying her tough attitude. "I was just defending myself against Ever."

"No you weren't. Face it: this is who you are now. I was friends with you when you were hard-working and kind and fun. Maybe I don't want to be friends with this Paige anymore."

She chewed her lip, locking eyes with him. The silence seemed to drag on forever. Her wide eyes watered again, more tears threatening to spill over. Then she shut them, took a deep breath, and said, "You'll regret this."

"No I won't."

"Why?" Those dark coal eyes snapped open again. "Think you've got your happily ever after with Ever now? Think again. I won't rest until she walks out of Ambler for the very last time. I'll drive her out."

"Yeah, good luck with that," I said. Was this girl serious? If she couldn't make me leave by now, what else did she think she could do? The bullying couldn't possibly get worse.

"It won't matter, anyway," said Riley. "Whether or not she leaves, you and I are over."

"You and I?"

He cleared his throat. "Bad phrasing. There never was a you and I. But don't try to talk to me anymore, okay? I'm done making excuses for you."

Lauren, Jordyn, and Summer still sat in our ill-formed half circle, whispering furiously. Paige was all alone—no one was jumping in for her. On the other side of the room, even Becca, Finn, and Coral were dead quiet.

Then she raised her chin regally and brushed back her hair. "Fine. I'm going to get water. No one better come after me."

And then she spun around and strode out of the room. She was braver than me—I would have run out of there. But she walked slowly, with confidence, not wavering. The door thumped shut behind her, leaving us all in awkward silence.

"Anyone going to check on her?" asked Becca.

My conscience battled with my pride. I was probably the last person Paige wanted to see, and if I went over there I'd probably make things worse. But I had started this, and I felt super guilty. I didn't know what my intentions had been, but I hadn't meant for things to blow up this much.

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