Chapter 21

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Ki-Adi Mundi, Yoda, Mace Windu, Commander Cody, and Aayla Secura were talking via holograms when Luke and Anakin entered, disturbing the conversation.

"You're late." Mace said with a faint scowl.

"Please excuse us." Luke said suddenly, startling not only Anakin, but everyone else as well. "We were in the medbay for myself, and I take personal responsibility for our tardiness."

There was a brief silence before Master Yoda spoke up. "Alright, are you Starkiller?"

"Perfectly fine Master Yoda, thank you for the concern." He said.

Yoda lowered his head in acknowledgement and both Anakin and Luke joined the circle.

Commander Cody cleared his throat. "As I was saying, General Kenobi has wanted to get in contact with the Council for awhile with some information which he deems for the Council's ears only. But, besides that, we have engaged General Grievous and he has been eliminated by General Kenobi."

"Thank you, Commander. We will speak to Obi-Wan now, concerning the other matter." Mace said.

The clone commander nodded and saluted, backing away for Obi-Wan to appear through the hologram. He looked around the room and spotted Anakin, the one he really wanted to speak to, but was slightly annoyed when he saw his ever present son right beside him. He swore that boy clung to his father like a magnet.

Luke caught Obi-Wan's reaction and hid a wince, not meaning to trouble his former Master like so. He could sense the Jedi Master's frustration, one specific and unshielded thought running through the man's mind.

'He's only standing there Kenobi, it's not like he can just throw you out of a speeder window again.'

Luke fought back a sudden giggle, instantly turning it into a cough. Anakin looked at him with confusion, but he waved it off.

Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "Um...Masters...this concerns Luke."

No one really looked all that surprised, much to Luke's own shock.

"Continue." Mace said rather impatiently.

Obi-Wan sighed, realizing his hint at asking them to dismiss Luke from the room had not worked. He loved the boy, he was very full of life, but the fact of who he was kept picking at the Jedi and his mind of logical reasoning. Luke couldn't be possible. He was older than Anakin, and yet his son.

The Force worked in mysterious ways indeed.

Obi-Wan knew at this point, the Council would have some vague assumption of Anakin's relationship with Padmé, but he still looked at his former apprentice before he spoke, knowing that Anakin knew exactly what he was about to say.

Anakin looked at his former Master and sighed, reluctantly nodding his approval.

Obi-Wan nodded in response and turned back to the Council. "Luke...Luke Starkiller is in fact Luke Skywalker."

No collective gasp.

No anything.

Just more blank stares.

Obi-Wan furrowed his brow in confusion. Did the Council just have no emotions at all? He could practically hear Anakin telling him, 'I told you so.'

"A brother? A cousin? We need specifics, Master Kenobi." Ki-Adi said.

Obi-Wan sighed. "Right. Of course."

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