Chapter Two: School

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I got to school a little later than usual today because my mom had teacher meetings at the university near my school. We brought Lizzy to our neighbor's house, so Mom didn't have to bring her to school. When we drove up, Mom looked at me quizzically, "Are you sure you want me to pick you up today?"

"Are we going to do anything? What about those movies we need to return to the library?" I questioned her. We had rented HOP, Fun-Sized, and Hugo to watch last weekend, and they were due today.

"Aww, Taylor! Why didn't you remind me? Please don't let me forget to get them on the way to Forks." she pleaded.

Aunt Alice was going to pick up Elizabeth today and bring her back to Grandma Esme and Grandpa Carlisle's house, which is more like a plantation Forks, the rainiest place in the continental United States. I opened my door, jumped out the front seat of my mom's shiny white Ford Explorer, and quickly got my school things out the back seat. My back pack, which is blue and green like most the things I own, weighs so much that I can barely pick it up. My Vera Bradley lunch box is also blue and green. I had my school iPad and my jacked-up iPod in my hands. My school gives every student and teacher an iPad to assist them.

My iPod, equipped with a blue and green penguin case with little feet hanging off, is a present I got a year and a half ago when I turned thirteen. It is in bad condition, but it still works. My iPod is shattered, the home button has not worked in months, and a piece of the screen fell off to where I can see the insides of it. It's really interesting to look in it sometimes, especially with my enhanced vampire-human eyesight.

I opened the front door to school and walked through awkwardly. I am extremely clumsy even though I am part vampire, and the gigantic back pack on my back does not help. Grandpa Edward says I get the clumsiness from my Grandma Bella, but it is very hard for me to imagine because she is the most graceful woman I have ever met in my life. Soon after I went to my locker and sat down in my usual spot with my group of friends, the school bell rang, which meant that I had five minutes to get to my first class, which today just so happened to be World Geography.

I took my map quiz on East Asia, which I had memorized on the ride to school, and I am pretty sure I aced it. I come from a very smart family. Carlisle, Grandpa Edward's adoptive father, is a doctor. Grandpa Edward is fluent in many languages, and he knows the answer to every question I ask him. He says that Mom learned very fast when she was younger, and she was smarter than most people my age when she was still a toddler. So, I guess I see where that comes from.

Today I had English second period, and all we did today was talk about chapters 4-7 , which I barely finished reading this morning, and we took a test on them. I'm pretty sure I aced that too. Ten-minute break was okay, I hung out with my friend Ali. She is one of the few people I knew when I came to this new school. We first met two summers ago when we were volunteering to watch kids at church every night for five days, but we never saw each other again until we came here.

Furthermore, third period I went to Biology. I would have never thought I would ever, in my whole life, dissect a starfish. I'm just happy their was no blood involved. Not that a starfish would be satisfying anyway.

After that was Algebra, where we were reviewing Perfect Square Trinomials. Homeroom was unentertaining, like usual. I sat in my regular seat, the second desk on the first row from the door, and finished my homework. When the lunch bell rang, I slung my overweight book sack over my shoulder, grabbed my lunch box, and flew down the stairs to sit by my friends.

I wasn't too happy when I had to leave lunch and go to piano, not that I have anything against that class. Turns out I had a written test in there, which I had totally forgotten about. I tried to pull out my piano book to briefly study some terms, but it was too late. I probably spent around twenty minutes on five matching questions. I couldn't remember the difference between a Minor, Relative Minor, Melodic Minor, and Harmonic Minor. I was extremely surprised when I got my test back. I got all four of the minors correct, but I ended up missing two I thought I had gotten right.

Last hour was Theology. We had a substitute teacher, so we ended up watching Pinnochio, which is a much stranger movie than I remember. I thought that was a surprising day..... I guess I was wrong.

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