The Game of Temptation ~18~

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  • Dedicated to THE Debate people<3

Hey guys!

I know, I know... It's been a while... I'm sorry!

Here's what happened: I got stuck. I got so stuck that I couldn't actually motivate myself to write. So I took some time off, and now I'm all better and (hopefully) going to get this story and Help Me Feel done by the day I graduate (June 8th, in case you were wondering)!:)

So, got a goal, got a plan. Let's do this!:)

I love you guys, thank you SO much for being patient!!:D <3

And this is dedicated to every single person who got involved with THE debate (that's right, it has a name now)! If you don't know what I'm talking about, read about 18 pages worth of messages on my page xD As embarrassing as it was, I had fun laughing at some of the things you guys said, and it made me smile and feel SO much better about myself (kinda(; ) Haha so thank you!!:D <3 But I'm still not pretty;P


PS: I'd like to also point out that I wrote the second half of this while I was half-asleep, so I'm pretty sure none of it makes sense:P I'll edit it in the morning, but I wanted to give you guys something:) <3

Chapter Eighteen


"He's really a nice guy if you give him a chance," I said, smiling at the girl Adam was trying to hit on.

It was weird being on this side of the flirting. I felt almost like this was the door closing on my life before Izzy, and I was helping to open the door for Adam.

Not that he needed much help, it seemed.

"Ren?" I heard Isa's voice, and turned around quickly. Adam's girl could think as much as she wanted about it, but I was going to give Isa my full attention.

"Hey, Isa!" I smiled, letting Adam retake the reigns. The girl would be no problem for him.

"What's up?" She asked, and I took a second to really look at her. She looked hot, as always, but something was off. It took a few seconds for it to hit me.

"Have you been crying?" I asked angrily. I knew without having to think twice that it was because of Alex.

Isa shrugged. "I've also had three beers and maybe a shot or two. I'm..." She swallowed hard. "It just feels like last time," she muttered, looking at her shoes.

"Feels like last time?" I was confused. Maybe she was talking about three different things here or something.

"He's practically ignoring me again," Isa said, and I understood. It was like when he technically cheated on her last semester.

I heard her draw in a shaky breath, and knew I needed to get her out of here before she started crying again. I knew she'd hate being seen as "that crying drunk chick" over Facebook if she was seen in the background of a picture.

"Come on, let's get you in bed," I told her, taking her arm and attempting to lead the way.

She planted her feet surprisingly well for her current situation. "No! I can't cry about this! Help me!" She shouted.

I sighed, glad that no one really gave a shit about this. "Isa, what do you want me to do?" I asked. I knew I'd have to keep an eye on her, that's for sure.

It wasn't what I'd planned for tonight, but it would be worth it if she didn't cry over her dumbass of a boyfriend.

"I wanna get drunk, Ren. I wanna see if it'll help," Isa told me, grabbing a bottle from somewhere and taking the equivalent of a shot. "I've already called him, like, three times," she complained, taking another one.

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