6. Friend or Foe

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After two days without leaving the house we haven't heard anything from either the radio or television. No mobile networks or landline phones seem to be working, as well as the internet. Blind to whatever is going on we're torn on whether or not to stay put, but decide that we should prepare either way. We pack all the food that we can find into the CRV, along with some camping gear and bedding scavenged from Jeremy's aunt's house. Our only plan so far is to get some gas into the car, then maybe come back to the house or risk the roads and find our way back to Noven somehow. I just want to find out what's going on and talk to my family, we've waited long enough. 

There seems to be hardly any movement on the street and whatever fallout there had been hadn't come our way, the sky is almost perfectly clear above the town.

At the petrol station we're the only ones, so Jeremy has to break into the building and activate the pumps himself. The town is away from the highway and seems completely neglected by refugees who had also been fleeing the New York blast. Anyone we do see avoids us, afraid of strangers in this confusing time.

After filling up, Caleb parks the CRV on the outskirts of town near a cluster of trees, leaving most of our stuff in it since it is hidden from view - and hopefully safe from thieves. We wander toward the main street, keeping close to each other in case of attack, but we're pretty much alone. Most of the little shops have smashed windows and torn down doors. Even small towns are prone to looters, it seems. Emily drags me into a little clothes shop while the boys try and find more food in a small grocery store opposite.

"You know, I was wondering when something like this would happen," she says, flicking through rows of tops.

"What do you mean? New York being bombed?"

"Yea, well, a war. It's been going on for years in other countries, it was only a matter of time before it really affected us," her blue eyes flick to me, "you must have seen it on the news? Plus, ever since Moore was elected everything's been really tense politically."

"Huh," I never realised Emily's so... aware. I guess I shouldn't have written her off as just another 'Tumblr girl', "so you don't think it's a major terrorist attack?" It's the main theory Jeremy and Caleb have been going on about, a 9/11 attack on an epic scale, in retaliation for all President Moore's focus on the Middle East.

She makes a face at me, "I just agree with whatever Jeremy says so that he doesn't throw a hissy fit. But no, I think for once the war is actually going to be on our soil rather than our Televisions."

We shuffle through the store, I grab a couple of hoodies that seem like they'll fit, but most of the clothes look like they were designed for middle aged woman.

"So, how do you know Jeremy and Caleb?" I think it's best that I fill the silence, both of us probably think too much otherwise.

"Oh, well you know - we have a few classes together, and I've known them both since elementary. Noven's relatively small and we're kind of friends with most of the juniors. I don't know why they asked me to come with you guys to NY, I guess they thought you'd be uncomfortable being the only girl."

"Still can't believe Jeremy's mum shelled out for four of those hotel rooms, I know they're rich but that's ridiculous."

"Yea, she does stuff like that. Last summer she took Jeremy and like, three of his friends to their beachfront house in LA."

"That makes me feel better about all the money I racked up from ordering room service."

"Not like she'll have to pay it now," Emily mumbles, turning away from me. I realise what I've said, but it's too late. Her parents almost certainly died in New York, I can't believe I even brought that up.

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