9. Trust issues

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Bands of black rain are visible on the horizon as the car turns off the main highway.

"Five minutes," Jeremy announces.

We turn off the interstate into a small suburban area of newly built houses. The car passes between two brick pillars at the entrance to one of the exclusive looking neighbourhoods, and Jeremy begins reading the house numbers aloud as we drive by.

Emily doesn't slow the car much as we jolt over the speed bumps, making Kane swear and grunt as each lurch disturbs the clotting blood on his wound, letting it bleed anew. Finally we pull up the driveway of a flash but original colonial styled home – which doesn't stand out from the rest of the houses at all. Emily steers the car right into the open garage and we all get out, apart from Kane, who stays slouching against a box of canned food in the back.

There's a metal door in the corner which I assume leads to the shelter, but when Jeremy tries to pull it open it's locked on the inside. We all share a look of desperation as Jeremy bangs repeatedly on the metal.

"Maybe if we just get into the house and - I don't know, seal up the doors and stuff - we'll be okay," I utter, wrapping my arms around myself to try and stop shaking.

"I'd feel a whole lot better if we were underground." Emily shakes her head at me. "We're kind of close to Pittsburgh now, it could be another target, and besides-"

"Stop," a shaky but cool male voice says behind us and we freeze. "Back away from the door."

I turn to look as I move away. It's a fair haired guy with a pistol trained on us, but his frightened look says that he doesn't want to use it. He's dressed well, it looks like he just had a formal meeting or something; white shirt, black pants, and matching shiny shoes.

He pulls a walkie talkie from his back pocket and pushes the button. "Joe? There's some people out here, don't open the door."

There's a short break of static before an anxious teenage voice replies, "Darren, I have to let you in."

"Don't do that, remember what I told you."

The boy begins to protest again but Emily interrupts. "Please, we'll die out here, we won't cause any trouble."

"Keep the door closed, Joe."

"You'll kill us all!" Jeremy shouts, glaring at him, obviously hoping the boy will hear and sympathise.

"Can't trust anyone. You all get back in your car and leave."

"We can't do that, we'll die," Emily says desperately.

I notice Kane limping quietly around the car behind the man. His eyes lazily find mine, and before I can say anything, he has his dagger at Darren's throat.

"I suggest you give her that gun." Kane's voice is coarse, but thankfully the man can't see what a sorry state he's in, and obliges, handing the gun to Emily stock first. "Now press the talk button on your radio."

Darren does as he's told and Kane begins to speak as the man stares wide eyed at the ceiling, the dark metal of the knife glancing against his skin. "Joe? If you don't want me to open his throat - I suggest you open the door and let my friends inside."

"Darren?" The worried voice squeaks, and I wince.

 He won't actually kill him... right?

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