Let Me Go

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Hiccup's POV

The minute I got home, my face cleaned and dried from the blood, I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut.

My father wasn't home. Of course he wasn't. He's almost never home when I am. He arrives late when I'm asleep and leaves earlier before I wake. That's our tradition. Meaning to say, I almost never see him, save for Sundays.

Good thing it's Tuesday, especially in this situation. I don't want him home now, especially for what I was about to do.

I grabbed a duffel bag from my closet. I only used it whenever I went on camping trips with my father. That hasn't happened for a while now... It's probably been around, what, three years since our last one? Four? Yeah, that...

"Wait, Gobber..." I mumbled. I can't just leave without at least visiting Gobber today. 'I'll just pass by for a while. Who knows how long I'll be gone?' I thought. Might as well.

I threw the duffel bag on my bed and covered in with my pillows and blanket. I sleep messily so if ever my dad came home early, he'd just think I'm the lump on my bed.

I left my room and ran down the stairs, shoving my phone in my pocket. Grabbing my leather jacket with two green stripes running down both sleeves, I exited my house and got on my motorbike, revved up the engine, and drove off towards Gobber's place: A bar he calls "The Forge".

As I arrived at the bar, I slowed my bike to a stop. I dropped the stand and got off it, letting it lean on itself on the ground. I walked over to the entrance with my hands in my pockets. I leaned on the door with my back and pushed it open that way, spinning around and walking inside when the door reached its limit. The chimes that hung above the door twinkled its familiar tune. "Knock, knock. I'm home," I called. I heard the familiar tap, clunk patterned sound of his boot and wooden peg on the wooden mahogany-glossed floor. "Hey, Henry!" he replied, coming over and grabbing me in a large bear hug. I winced from the pain I endured earlier, but I hope he didn't notice it. Luckily, he didn't.

"It's been a while since ya last visited here, boyo!" He clapped my shoulder. "How's it been?" he asked. I shrugged. "Holding up," I replied nonchalantly.

No matter how close I am to Gobber, I just can't tell him what I've been going through.

"That's good to hear," he told me. "Come on, yer just in time to work your shift."

'Oh... Right, forgot about that...'

I had the thought of asking Gobber if he could hire me for a part-time job here at The Forge as a waiter. My shifts were every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. I worked from four-thirty to eight, so I guess I'm here for a while...

Business is kinda slow, that much I'll admit for today's shift. Not much people were coming and going today. For the past two hours I'd already been here, only around twenty-five people came and went. Probably due to the fact that it's very hot outside and people are too lazy to get out of their homes. I'd be, too. Although it was cooler earlier... Either way, once the clock strikes between six-thirty or seven, this place'll be packed.

I heard the chimes above the door sound, signifying that a customer or two had entered. I was just looking down at the table I was wiping clean, with my waiter's uniform on, which was basically a combination of my white long-sleeved polo, my black jeans, and my black Converse. I also sported a dark blue tie and a silver name tag with 'Henry' printed across it. "Hey, welcome to The Forge, what can I ge-." I froze.

Astrid! She's here! Does she always come here?

She was staring at me with wide eyes. Neither of us moved for what seemed like ten minutes, but it was really only ten seconds. I was snapped out of my trance by the sound of someone hitting their table to get my attention. I glanced at Astrid for another brief second, before making my way over to the customer.

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