Mission: Infiltration

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A/n: HEYA! Sorry for this unannounced hiatus. Blame school! Not me!

For real, so much homework and projects in the past four months... I either had no time to write, or was too tired that I fell asleep.

I'm sowwy ;-; Pwease fowgive me?

Sadly, expect that this is not the last time it will happen...

Also, it's my birthday! (October 8th. Birthweek technically) and now I'm 15. Wow... I'm gonna need a while to get used to writing that number wherever it's needed.

*clears throat* Anyway...I won't keep the long AN. Please just allow me to say that I've updated this story's summary (mostly cuz the plot so far isn't even following that ahehehe XD so I changed it) SO YEAH! Just enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything here except the plot.


Hiccup's POV

"And, you're all set," Rapunzel said, stepping back to allow me to face the mirror.

It was currently 5:30 in the morning. Rapunzel had spent all night coming up with this disguise to make sure I was both secure and hidden from Berk's eyes. The sun was just about to rise

I was wearing some heavy armor underneath a black suit and tie. (for emergencies. Say I get caught and need some shielding. It also helped me look bulkier than I normally was, which would help the Berkians to not recognize me). The white polo underneath had golden cufflinks discretely holding the Dragon Nest's insignia.

My hair was combed to the right and styled in an undercut, slicked with some hair gel to keep it in place and not return to its shaggy state. I also had a pair of black, metallic, thick-framed glasses.

In truth, the cufflinks, the glasses, and even the silver Rolex watch on my wrist were all custom-made by Hiro to help with the mission.

The cufflinks were designed to be a comm link for me to be able to reach the Nest. The glasses provided me with a discrete navigation window or window of information so I wouldn't look suspicious when walking or reading a file. Finally, the Rolex wasn't a Rolex watch at all, but rather just designed to look like that. In reality, the watch was a mini weapon. It could fire a miniature tranquilizer dart, tase someone, or pop up a screen that would tell me where my suspected target stood (assuming I've already managed to successfully tag them).

I looked like a Kingsman...

And yes, I know what a Kingsman is. I've seen the movie. I'm very sure a lot of Berkians have as well. But here's the catch: they don't think people like the Kingsmen exist. Well, I guess now, I can prove them wrong.

I'll be visiting Berk as a businessman looking for contacts to "work for the business". In a way, I suppose I'd be doing just that.

I heard footsteps approaching behind Punzie and I and turned to face Jack and Merida, both wearing their winter-casual tourist outfits over their own set of heavy armor. "Dude..." Jack droned. "My, tha's a dashin' look now is i'?" Merida grinned, snickering. I chuckled back and shrugged. "How do I look?" I asked. Jack tilted his head and laughed. "Man, you look way too boring to be my friend," he said.

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