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[2:12PM, December 21, UTC ±00:00]

“Oliver, Oliver, Oliver Twist!”

“Seyi, if you don’t shut up right now, I’ll slap you.”

“Hey! Don’t call me that.”

“What? ‘Seyi’? No be your name?”

“Shut up, Tayo.”

Folasade hissed and tried to ignore her siblings’ unnecessary argument coming from downstairs. She was already slightly annoyed at having to go shopping with her Aunt who couldn’t resist all the ‘SALE’ stickers on everything. Her mind considered the endless queues and rushing crowds they’d have to endure in the name of Christmas shopping and she groaned in frustration.

“Fola, are you ready yet?”


I swear, this woman is going to get me killed, she thought. She couldn’t understand how one woman could shop so much; they’d been in H&M for almost three hours yesterday. She also couldn’t understand why Aunt Bukola felt coming here in winter was an ideal holiday – then spent half the time complaining about the weather. I mean, it’s warmer in Nigeria.

“Sarah, Aunty Bukky said you shouldn’t forget to bring your oyster card this time.”

She looked up at her little brother, Brian, as she struggled to pull on her boot. She considered him cutest child in the world, with his slightly curly brown hair, evenly fair skin and eternal pout. Technically, he was her half-brother; Mum married James after her biological father knocked her up and decided he couldn’t be bothered with kids. Folasade loved James, really, and she called him ‘Dad’ because she felt he deserved the title and did everything a father should. He showed no favouritism towards his own kids and was as involved in their daily lives as he could be. Plus, it was always funny to observe people’s reactions when they came over to visit for the first time and saw a white guy as her Dad. She and Oliver were from her actual dead-beat dad, while Alison and Brian from James. But they were family. Or trying to be.

“You want me to get you anything?” she asked. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes as he yawned. He’d probably been sleeping before Aunty Bukky decided to annoy everyone.



She sighed aloud as she stood up, towering over the five-year-old. He looked out into the hallway as the sound of Oliver and Alison’s arguing resumed and she could tell he was upset by it. She hated to see him feeling down, so she did the first thing that came to mind; she picked him up and placed him over her shoulder. He laughed and wiggled as she tickled his sides and took him down the stairs and to the living room. When he sounded like he’d had enough, she put him down and he scrambled away to protect himself. She giggled naughtily and turned to Oliver and Alison who were in front of the TV, playing Tekken on the PS3. She remembered their verbal exchange from earlier and smiled to herself.

“Olutayo, Oluwaseyi, take care of the house, okay?”

Alison hissed venomously as Oliver paused their game and got up from the bean bag.

“I’m coming too. These games are getting dry. Maybe they have some ‘two for one’ happening.”

“Have you carried your oyster card?”


“Get me Madeira cake,” Alison quipped as she un-paused the game and beat Oliver’s character to a pulp. Oliver made an exasperated grunt and smirked as he folded his arms.

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