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The boys were on their way driving to Bobby's house. Dean was driving the car. He was jamming to the loud acdc song that was blasting out of the cars radio. He looked over at Sam and saw he had just woken up.

Sam wakes up to find Dean staring at him. He is confused. The only reason he woke up to begin with was because his stomach was growling. He thinks to himself did Dean hear that? He asks Dean when they are going to stop for dinner. Dean replies in the next town about 10miles from now. Sam agrees and they begin to talk about past cases to fill the time.

They arrive at yet another hole in the wall diner somewhere on the way to Bobby's. They go in and seat themselves in a booth by a window. The sexy blonde waitress comes over and greets them. Takes their drink orders, Sam has a coffee and Dean a beer. The waitress leaves to go get the drinks leaving the boys to look at the menu.

When she returns Sam orders a chicken salad, and Dean orders a double baccon cheese burger. Their food arrived soon after they order, and the boys enjoyed their food! Halfway through the meal Dean gets up and goes to the bathroom, he has to pee. He comes back and him and Dean talk about the waitress and how hit she is (well Dean dose, Sam just listens). The boys decide they should get back on the road if they are gonna make it to Bobby's tonight.

They are about 3hours away when they leave the diner. Dean is driving and Sam is looking at the map. Everything is fine and they are making great time. After about 30mins Sam looks over at Dean and sees he is starting to sweat and looks a little green. Sam asks Dean if he is OK and Dean just shruggs him off.

After another 5 minutes of driving Dean pulls the abruptly over, hauls the door open and begins to vomit out of the car. He didn't even make it standing up out of the car, he just leans out vomiting all he has eaten out of his system.

Sam looks over in shock but quickly reaches over and begins to rub Dean back in small circles while telling him "its gonna be ok", "just let it all out". Sam watches as Dean moans and throws up again. Dean is clearly uncomphirtable so Sam gets out of the impalla and goes over to deans side of the car. He asks dean if he is done, Dean grunts, coughs,throws up once more then burps, and then moans. Sam is grossed out, but he would do anything for his big brother. When he finally thinks Dean is done, He leads him out of the car and away from his pile of throwup.

Sam takes Dean to the passenger side of the car and seats him in the impalla with his feet out of the car in case he isn't done. Sam then goes to the trunk to find a water bottle and the first aid kit. Once he has located these things he goes back over to Dean who's head is resting on the car seat, and is breathing heavily like the past 5 minutes of vomiting have taken all of his energy. Sam looks him over and asks " what was that?, are you OK?". He stands and waits for deans reply Dean finally musters up the energy to say "I'm good Sammy, never better!" Sam just looks at him with disapproving eyes. Sam then reaches for the first aid kit. He gets the thermometer out and Dean takes it and puts it in his mouth. While they are waiting to see what it says Sam digs around for some chewable pepto and some advil.

The thermometer beeps and Sam takes it and reads it out loud 102.1. "Jeez Dean why didn't you tell me you didn't feel good". Dean: " Sam I would have, but I was fine one minute and then next thing I know the burger is making a reappearance!" Dean then takes a water bottle swigs some and swishes it around and spits to try and clear the taste from his mouth. He the takes a few cautious sips and happily takes the pills Sam hands to him.

Dean is exhausted and he just wants to sleep until they make it to Bobby's house where he can focus on being better. He assures Sam he is fine and to keep driving. Jeez this isn't the first time the older hunter has gotten food poisoning from some hole in the wall diner. He lets Sam situate him in the passenger seat and rests his head on the cool window.

Sam is driving being cautious of his brothers compromised stomach. He can't help but watch his brother sleep against the cool window. They are 3 hours from Bobby's house and once they get there they can rest.

Sam just hopes Dean can last that long .

*****ok so this is my first fan fiction. I hope you guys like it. Stay tuned for ch 2.

A long nightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ