hour 1

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Sam's pov...

Dean is always so annoying. He refuses to tell anyone he is sick until he is unable to hide it anymore because the inevitable has happened. Why dosnt he trust me to be there for him when he's always there for me? Why can't.... (He is pulled from his angsty thoughts by a grunt)

He looked over at Dean who had started to stir, and was looking a little green again. "Dean? Are you okay?" Nothing, so he kept driving. Sam drove in silence for another 25 minutes when it happened.

Deans pov...
Gah why dose this hurt so bad? Why is Sammy driving like a girl instead or making a b line for Bobby's so I can get the fuck out of this moving hell. (Deans stomach was doing summer saults) He decided to stop trying to sleep because that wasnt going to happen. He opened his eyes, bad choice. The world was going by too fast for his cranky body, he quickly shut his eyes again. But it was too late. It had already been set in motion. "Sam....gah...." *swallowing convulsively* thank god Sam caught on because if not baby would have been in trouble. Just as Sam stopped the car Dean lost the battle. He wasn't able to make it out of baby because he was abruptly assaulted by the onslaught of vomit. He didn't even know where it was coming from. He thought he had ejected his liver at the last stop, but no there was more to give so his bodie made him do it.

Sam's pov....

"Sam...gah..." After Hearing those words Sam pulled over as soon as it was safe. But to no avail. Just as he was reaching the curb he looked over at Dean who was rabidly swallowing back something Sam didn't want to see. He was in the middle of unbuckling when the torrent of vomit started to escape from deans mouth. He looked on in horror as deans bodie ejected anything and everything it could. "Dean?" Nothing. His brain took that moment to finally jump into action. He got out and went around to deans side opening the door he pulled Dean so he was leaning out of the car and let him finish. Dean was pale and shaky with his eyes screwed shut and vomit pouring out of him so fast he could barley breathe in between heaves. Sam took in the sight before him. But all he could was watch helplessly until deans body stopped its battle with itself.

Deans pov...
*Panting*gags*more vomit* "mmy" *more vomit* "can't" *more vomit* "breath" *gag*nothing*dry heave*nothing*panting* "inhaler" *wheezing* then finally relief. As he can finally breathe again he leans back on the seat and takes a moment to take in what just happened. One minute he was fine. The next its like a Niagara falls of vomit is coming out of him. As his brain starts to catch up with what just happened he feels the wet squishy liquid that is allover his legs and driving down his shirt. His stomach starts to turn again at the thought of sitting there in that. "Sammy you need to move, or I'm gonna start again." As he said that he pushed past his brother and started to strip next to the impalla. He took off his flannel and then he took off his jeans. Thank god Sammy caught on and got his duffel out of the car. He changed into clean sweats and the hoodie he stole from Sam and then sat down by the back tire to breathe.

Sam's pov....
"Oh my god Dean? Are you OK?" "Yeah...just need to sit for a few"
Sam stood outside of the car and took in the situation. He looked at his brother who had just thrown up everything from birth to now at 23, then freaked out because his asthma was being a problem and he couldn't breathe. Then almost lost his shit because he was covered in puke. Sitting on the ground by his car with is head between his knees just trying to get a grip. Sam stood and thought about it, then he went to the trunk got out a roll of paper towels that they kept there for times like this. He grabbed the water for his brother because he was soon to face dehydration at this rate, and a plastic bag that they kept with the towels and went to work. "Here Dean." He said as he handed him the water a paper towel. "No way Sammy. I am not putting anything else in." "Small sips Dean. You know the dangers of dehydration" Dean just stared at him like a small puppy, breaking Sam's heart.

Sam decided to not fight with him right now and let his brother rest away from the awful stench that had to be dealt with before they were going to spend another 2 hours in the car. Sam then went to the front where there was vomit an inch thick on the floor boards and began to clean up the mess. He had to stop every few minutes to breathe, because he has always been a sympathetic puker and cleaning it up has always been hard.
When he finished in the front he went back to Dean who had thankfully taken a couple of sips of the water and seemed to be dozing. He went to the trunk and grabbed the blanket they have has sense they were kids and then got Dean up and into the back, laying down with the blanket and another plastic bag just in case.

Deans pov...
Everything hurts. But at least by sitting on the curb the world stopped spinning. "Smmy?" "Yeah Dean" "tnks" Dean slurred as he was placed into the car and tucked in tight hopefully until they reached Bobby's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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