* B O N U S C H A P T E R *

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© Amber Kalkes 2015


"The Boys Are Back In Town" By Thin Lizzy

B O N U S C H A P T E R *

Brandon watches the beat up death trap she calls 'Chicky' back out the driveway with a sinking feeling in his stomach. A small voice, too weak to make out but strong enough not to be ignored growls something unintelligible at him. The broken communication between him and his wolf has gotten more and more frustrating as the days have gone on. Especially, when it comes to Ruth.

She's a beautiful woman. Young maybe but beautiful and with a kind of otherworldly self-possessiveness that never fails to throw him off guard. When the sound of her cars shitty engine fades into nothingness he already finds himself wanting to go after her, which is stupid. He barely knows her and even if he did know her that would be a bad move on his part. He has a mate out there somewhere and fucking around with this girl would put a final nail in his coffin with his mate.

Fuck but it feels like it would worth it just to have her to himself for one night.

Shaking his head, Brandon grips the bottle of tonic in his hand and eyes it warily. It looks like dirty milk and smells worse than that. Is he really expected to drink this shit and live? Maybe that's the whole scheme of Ruth and that friend of hers. Win his trust and his desire before poisoning him. Brandon snorts out loud at the thought. Right, like Ruth could hurt anyone if she didn't have to? She didn't even kill spiders.

He walks back into the cabin and feels the isolation setting on in him. Her scent is here, everywhere in this small space. He's practically swimming in it. Setting the bottle on the nearby table he runs his hand over his hair and down his face.

"Fuck," He groans into his hands before dropping them to his sides.

He has to drink it. He has to drink it so he can head back to the pack, check in with Wren and Jack, let them know he's alive and then move on. Maybe then he get the vision of Ruth's brown eyes out of his damn mind for more than a few minutes at a time and focus on things he can actually have. Maybe he'll even try looking for his mate again. That would definitely get rid of Ruth from his brain for once and for all.

Eyeing the bottle again, Brandon figures its better to get it over and done with before he looses the guts. Uncorking the bottle he gags a little at the smell. Fuck is it rancid though. Covering his nose with his arm he coughs a few times before giving himself a pep talk.

"Just drink the shit and get it over with. You keep acting like a pussy about it and the longer you'll have to sit here like an idiot. Just do it. Just fucking man up and do it."

Brandon drops his arm and closes his eyes before putting the bottle against his lips. He tries not to let the taste linger on his tongue but that's impossible with how shitty it does actually taste. Finally, he can't take it anymore. He wrenches the bottle from his lips and throws it across the room before promptly puking on the floor. Brandon makes a face as the smell of his own vomit hits him. God, how can it smell even worse coming up?

Realizing he's on all fours on the floor, Brandon pushes himself up onto his knees and wipes his mouth on his arm. Fuck, that shit is nasty. Brandon struggles to get to his feet and go to the sink to at least attempt to clean that nasty shit up but he doesn't make it. A wave of dizziness comes over him mixed with one hell of a headache and before he can even catch himself, Brandon is down for the count.


Brandon wakes up the first time to the sound of an annoying ringing. He's still on the floor when his eyes open and as the ringing continues he realizes it's a phone. Who could be calling is beyond him but in the weak state he's in now he couldn't really give two shits.

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